window.localeDictionary={ id0:["鍥介檯鍖?,"locale"], id1:["涓枃","Chinese"], id2:["鑻辨枃","English"], id3:["鍦板潃锛氭睙鑻忕渷鑻忓窞宸ヤ笟鍥尯鍑ら噷琛?45鍙?搴?,"Address:Jiangsu Suzhou Industrial Park Fengli Str No345.2"], id4:["鐢佃瘽2锛?8914063719","Tel2锛?8914063719"], id5:["鐢佃瘽1锛?8100670985","Tel1锛?8100670985"], id6:["閭锛歴","Main:永利402登录地址"], id7:["鑱旂郴鎴戜滑","Contact Us"], id8:["鏂伴椈涓績","News Center"], id9:["鏅俊杈炬櫤鑳戒氦閫氫氦閫氫簨浠舵娴嬭В鍐虫柟妗堝熀浜庤棰戞娴嬫妧鏈紝灏嗘憚鍍忔満鎷嶆憚鐨勬ā鎷?鏁板瓧淇″彿杈撳叆鍒版娴嬭澶囷紝鐢辨娴嬭澶囧鐞嗘暟鎹祦锛岃繘琛岀洰鏍囪窡韪拰妯″瀷鍖归厤锛屽疄鐜板疄鏃朵氦閫氭祦閲忔暟鎹粺璁″拰鎽勫儚鏈鸿閲庡唴寮傚父浜ら€氫簨浠惰嚜鍔ㄦ娴嬬殑鍔熻兘銆?, "Posinda intelligent traffic incident detection solution is based on video detection technology. It inputs analog/digital signals captured by cameras to detection equipment, and then the detection equipment processes the data stream, performs target tracking and model matching, realizing real-time traffic flow data statistics and automatic detection of abnormal traffic events in camera view."], id10:["浜ら€氫簨浠舵娴嬭В鍐虫柟妗?,"Traffic incident detection solution"], id11:["鏅俊杈捐嚧鍔涗簬鎵撻€犱竴涓煄甯備氦閫氬ぇ鏁版嵁闆嗘垚绠℃帶骞冲彴銆備互鎻愰珮浜ら€氱鐞嗘湇鍔℃按骞炽€佹彁楂樹氦閫氱鎺ф晥鐜囦负鐩殑锛岀患鍚堝埄鐢ㄥ绉嶄氦閫氱鎺ц祫婧愶紝鎻愰珮鍏畨浜ら€氱鎺х殑蹇€熷弽搴旇兘鍔涘拰浜ら€氭寚鎸ヤ腑蹇冪殑宸ヤ綔鏁堣兘鎻愪緵鎶€鏈€?,"Posinda is committed to building an integrated management and control platform for urban transportation big data. In order to improve the service level of traffic management and improve the efficiency of traffic control, a variety of traffic control resources should be comprehensively used to improve the rapid response ability of public security traffic control and the work efficiency of the traffic command center."], id12:["鍏畨浜ら€氭暣浣撹В鍐虫柟妗?,"Overall solution for public security traffic"], id13:["鏅俊杈惧煄甯傜患鍚堜氦閫氱郴缁熻В鍐虫柟妗堟槸鎸囬€氳繃鍏呭垎搴旂敤澶ф暟鎹€佷簯璁$畻銆佷汉宸ユ櫤鑳姐€佷互鍙婂熀浜庡嵎绉缁忕綉缁滅殑娣卞害瀛︿範绠楁硶绛夋妧鏈紝瀵瑰煄甯傛捣閲忎氦閫氭暟鎹殑鍏ㄩ潰鏁村悎鍜屾繁鍏ュ垎鏋愩€?,"Posinda's urban comprehensive transportation system solution refers to the comprehensive integration and in-depth analysis of massive urban traffic data through the full application of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and convolutional neural network based deep learning algorithms."], id14:["鍩庡競缁煎悎浜ら€氳В鍐虫柟妗?,"Urban comprehensive transportation solution"], id15:["鏅烘収鍋滆溅鏁翠綋瑙e喅鏂规","Intelligent parking overall solution"], id16:["鏅烘収鍩庡競鏁翠綋瑙e喅鏂规","Integrated Solutions for Smart City"], id17:["鍩庡競浜ら€氭暣浣撹В鍐虫柟妗?,"Overall urban transport solution"], id18:["瑙e喅鏂规","Solutions"], id19:["浜у搧","Products"], id20:["鏈嶅姟","Service"], id21:["鍏徃绠€浠?,"Company Profile"], id21_1:["鍏徃绠€浠 Company Profile","Company Profile"], id22:["棣栭〉","Home"], ida9b6dc0f4ad84af482ce8b709f2e318d:["鏅俊杈惧湴纾佷骇鍝?,"Posinda geomagnetic products"], id3b70caa321484e57b185faa69db95dd2:["鏅鸿兘浜ら€氳繍缁寸鐞嗙郴缁?,"Intelligent transportation operation and maintenance management system"], id3b70caa321484e57b185faa69db95dd2content:[ "


", "

Build an operation and maintenance management platform integrating project management, supervision and operation and maintenance. In the field construction, strengthen the safe and civilized construction; Improve the construction safety and efficiency, formulate the construction assessment system, and eliminate the construction procrastination. In terms of supervision, each construction point shall be inspected and fed back, and defects shall be tracked and rechecked. In terms of operation and maintenance, formulate patrol inspection plan and assign patrol inspection tasks. Establish standard data and equipment control interfaces with multiple subsystems such as traffic information collection system, traffic guidance system, signal control system, video monitoring system, data analysis system, etc., collect various traffic flow information, equipment operation data and status, and conduct equipment control access to each system. Monitor the online and fault status of all field equipment. The high availability of equipment is guaranteed through the process and mobility of equipment repair. Through the function development of the WeChat terminal of the operation and maintenance platform, the office can be accessible at any time, anywhere, to facilitate the work records of field staff. The management party monitors the project links at any time (including project management, construction management, equipment patrol inspection, clock in and sign in, and equipment operation and maintenance).

" ], id3b70caa321484e57b185faa69db95dd2contentStr:["鎵撻€犻泦宸ョ▼绠$悊銆佺洃鐞嗐€佽繍琛岀淮鎶や负涓€浣撶殑杩愯缁存姢绠$悊骞冲彴銆傚湪澶栧満鏂藉伐鏂归潰锛屽姞寮哄畨鍏ㄦ枃鏄庤鑼冩柦宸ワ紱鎻愬崌鏂藉伐瀹夊叏銆佹柦宸ユ晥鐜囷紝鍒跺畾鏂藉伐鑰冩牳鍒跺害锛屾潨缁濇嫋娌撶殑鏂藉伐鐜拌薄銆傚湪鐩戠悊鏂归潰锛屽疄鐜板姣忎釜鏂藉伐鐐逛綅閮借宸℃煡骞跺弽棣堬紝瀹炵幇缂洪櫡璺熻釜锛屾鏌ュ鏌ャ€傚湪杩愮淮鏂归潰锛屽埗瀹氬贰妫€璁″垝锛屾淳鍙戝贰妫€浠诲姟銆傞€氳繃涓庝氦閫氫俊鎭噰闆嗙郴缁熴€佷氦閫氳瀵肩郴缁熴€佷俊鍙锋帶鍒剁郴缁熴€佽棰戠洃鎺х郴缁熴€佹暟鎹垎鏋愮郴缁熺瓑澶氫釜瀛愮郴缁熷缓绔嬫爣鍑嗘暟鎹強璁惧鎺у埗鎺ュ彛锛岄噰闆嗗悇绉嶄氦閫氭祦淇℃伅銆佽澶囪繍琛屾暟鎹強鐘舵€侊紝骞跺鍚勭郴缁熻繘琛岃澶囨帶鍒惰闂€傜洃鎺ф墍鏈夊鍦鸿澶囩殑鍦ㄧ嚎銆佹晠闅滅姸鎬併€傞€氳繃璁炬柦璁惧鎶ヤ慨娴佺▼鍖栥€佺Щ鍔ㄥ寲淇濋殰浜嗕繚闅滆澶囩殑楂樺彲鐢ㄦ€с€傞€氳繃杩愮淮骞冲彴寰俊绔殑鍔熻兘寮€鍙戝彲浠ラ殢鏃堕殢鍦版棤闅滅鐨勫姙鍏紝鏂逛究澶栧満宸ヤ綔浜哄憳宸ヤ綔鐨勮褰曪紝绠$悊鏂归殢鏃剁洃鎺ч」鐩幆鑺傦紙鍖呮嫭椤圭洰绠$悊銆佹柦宸ョ鐞嗐€佽澶囧贰妫€銆佹墦鍗$鍒般€佽澶囪繍缁达級銆?, "Build an operation and maintenance management platform integrating project management, supervision and operation and maintenance. In the field construction, strengthen the safe and civilized construction; Improve the construction safety and efficiency, formulate the construction assessment system, and eliminate the construction procrastination. In terms of supervision, each construction point shall be inspected and fed back, and defects shall be tracked and rechecked. In terms of operation and maintenance, formulate patrol inspection plan and assign patrol inspection tasks. Establish standard data and equipment control interfaces with multiple subsystems such as traffic information collection system, traffic guidance system, signal control system, video monitoring system, data analysis system, etc., collect various traffic flow information, equipment operation data and status, and conduct equipment control access to each system. Monitor the online and fault status of all field equipment. The high availability of equipment is guaranteed through the process and mobility of equipment repair. Through the function development of the WeChat terminal of the operation and maintenance platform, the office can be accessible at any time, anywhere, to facilitate the work records of field staff. The management party monitors the project links at any time (including project management, construction management, equipment patrol inspection, clock in and sign in, and equipment operation and maintenance)." ], idf3bf6fcf8c09427a908af07b0bd37ab1:["浜ら€氫簨鏁呭垎鏋愮郴缁?,"Traffic accident analysis system"], idf3bf6fcf8c09427a908af07b0bd37ab1content:[ "


", "

The accident analysis system uses GIS platform to conduct data mining on a large amount of traffic accident information. Focusing on road traffic accident elements such as people, vehicles, roads, environment and management, it analyzes the basic laws, characteristics, trends, rising points and falling points of traffic accidents from the key drivers, key vehicles, key sections, main forms and major illegal behaviors, and grasps the overall road traffic safety situation, Deeply explore the root causes of traffic accidents.

", ], idf3bf6fcf8c09427a908af07b0bd37ab1contentStr:[ "浜嬫晠鍒嗘瀽绯荤粺鍒╃敤GIS骞冲彴瀵瑰ぇ閲忕殑浜ら€氫簨鏁呬俊鎭繘琛屾暟鎹寲鎺橈紝浠ヤ汉銆佽溅銆佽矾銆佺幆澧冦€佺鐞嗙瓑閬撹矾浜ら€氫簨鏁呰绱犱负閲嶇偣锛屼粠鍙戠敓浜嬫晠鐨勯噸鐐归┚椹朵汉銆侀噸鐐硅溅杈嗐€侀噸鐐硅矾娈点€佷富瑕佸舰鎬佷互鍙婁富瑕佽繚娉曡涓虹瓑锛屽垎鏋愬嚭浜ら€氫簨鏁呭彂鐢熺殑鍩烘湰瑙勫緥銆佺壒鐐广€佽秼鍔夸互鍙婁笂鍗囩偣鍜屼笅闄嶇偣锛屾妸鎻℃暣浣撻亾璺氦閫氬畨鍏ㄦ€佸娍锛屾繁鍏ユ寲鎺樺叾閫犳垚浜ら€氫簨鏁呯殑鏍规湰鍘熷洜銆?, "The accident analysis system uses GIS platform to conduct data mining on a large amount of traffic accident information. Focusing on road traffic accident elements such as people, vehicles, roads, environment and management, it analyzes the basic laws, characteristics, trends, rising points and falling points of traffic accidents from the key drivers, key vehicles, key sections, main forms and major illegal behaviors, and grasps the overall road traffic safety situation, Deeply explore the root causes of traffic accidents." ], id576c22f484af42a09ef08373d280655a:["缁煎悎璇卞鍙戝竷绯荤粺","Integrated guidance release system"], idcbc0fe3fafb1421eba6652002f0fc57d:["甯傛皯缁煎悎浜ら€氭湇鍔$郴缁?,"Integrated transport service system for citizens"], id52fae2e7f1694782b842f3392615b019:["鏅鸿兘浜ら€氬嫟鍔$鐞嗙郴缁?,"Intelligent transportation service management system"], id617a4a221eb54a388c02f24aea9af812:["鏅鸿兘浜ら€氶泦鎴愭寚鎸ヨ皟搴︾郴缁?,"Integrated command and dispatching system of intelligent transportation"], id48a70bb091b044e786684a97dba4e143:["浜ら€氬湴鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁?GIS-T)","Transportation Geographic Information System(GIS-T)"], idb27df3d227e84a259ebf53fc2e6d5c59:["浜ら€氱患鍚堜笟鍔$鐞嗗钩鍙?,"Comprehensive traffic business management platform"], iddcb34f781d044dcba608c58674d9c5a4:["鏅鸿兘浜ら€氬ぇ鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽骞冲彴","Intelligent transportation big data analysis platform"], id2d05ea3e28204b73bd8e7faf25b8d6ee:["浜ら€氭暟鎹垎鏋愯В鍐虫柟妗?,"Traffic data analysis solution"], id40481db7517a491faaf1cb7a6c20ea40:["浜ら€氱粍缁囦紭鍖栬В鍐虫柟妗?,"Traffic organization optimization solution"], id8ccd9c9d7fb54303a8006e68593f30f4:["淇″彿浼樺寲瑙e喅鏂规","Signal optimization solutions"], idb36e61eb3c0947fbb1053c40e3d70996:["澶у瀷娲诲姩淇濋殰瑙e喅鏂规","Large event support solutions"], idbf0537a4e11b41b8b086e3da655c89fa:["鍩庡競浜ら€氭嫢鍫佃В鍐虫柟妗?,"Solutions to urban traffic congestion"], id37d1e049a1eb4174b364a382273fb1c1:["鍋滆溅璇卞鏁翠綋瑙e喅鏂规","Overall solution for parking guidance"], id37d1e049a1eb4174b364a382273fb1c1content:[ "

浜ら€氳瀵肩郴缁燂紙Traffic Guidance System锛夛紝鏄熀浜庣數瀛愯绠楁満銆佺綉缁滃拰閫氫俊绛夌幇浠f妧鏈紝鏍规嵁鍑鸿鑰呯殑璧疯鐐瑰悜閬撹矾浣跨敤鑰呮彁渚涙渶浼樿矾寰勫紩瀵兼寚浠ゆ垨鏄€氳繃鑾峰緱瀹炴椂浜ら€氫俊鎭府鍔╅亾璺娇鐢ㄨ€呮壘鍒颁竴鏉′粠鍑哄彂鐐瑰埌鐩殑鍦扮殑鏈€浼樿矾寰勩€侟/p>", "

The Traffic Guidance System is based on modern technologies such as electronic computers, networks, and communication. It provides road users with optimal path guidance instructions based on the starting and ending points of travelers, or helps them find the optimal path from the starting point to the destination by obtaining real-time traffic information.

", ], id37d1e049a1eb4174b364a382273fb1c1contentStr1:["浜ら€氳瀵肩郴缁燂紙Traffic Guidance System锛夛紝鏄熀浜庣數瀛愯绠楁満銆佺綉缁滃拰閫氫俊绛夌幇浠f妧鏈紝鏍规嵁鍑鸿鑰呯殑璧疯鐐瑰悜閬撹矾浣跨敤鑰呮彁渚涙渶浼樿矾寰勫紩瀵兼寚浠ゆ垨鏄€氳繃鑾峰緱瀹炴椂浜ら€氫俊鎭府鍔╅亾璺娇鐢ㄨ€呮壘鍒颁竴鏉′粠鍑哄彂鐐瑰埌鐩殑鍦扮殑鏈€浼樿矾寰勩€?, "The Traffic Guidance System is based on modern technologies such as electronic computers, networks, and communication. It provides road users with optimal path guidance instructions based on the starting and ending points of travelers, or helps them find the optimal path from the starting point to the destination by obtaining real-time traffic information."], id2919305cd1bd4b0c9d5ddcc84bc463b4:["璇勪环-鎺у埗绛栫暐","Evaluation - control strategy"], id0fa6ee2bb5ef4dcb843e20fb2ab38909:["妯℃嫙-浜ら€氱粍缁?,"Simulation - traffic organization"], id2072c5de75d141e0b9ba0584cad1bc45:["棰勬祴-浜ら€氶渶姹?,"Forecast - Traffic Demand"], id989c9c1ebf774dcd98369d6e230c09c3:["鏀寔-涓婂眰瑙勫垝","Support - upper planning"], id7fa4230fd3b94e21abaa113a1f63568a:["鍒跺畾-鎺у埗绛栫暐","Formulation - control strategy"], id6d27ba7b85664c9eb157976e5d1c833c:["浼樺寲-淇″彿鎺у埗","Optimization - signal control"], id27a7ecf3275649f1be5b92547be87d7d:["鎻愪緵-杩愮淮鎶ュ憡","Provide - O&M report"], id71dea9932f094f0581a055570f03ab6f:["鎺掓煡-璁炬柦瑙勮寖","Troubleshooting - Facility Specification"], idaed06d790c6048459629c8d8fe0055d5:["淇濋殰-澶у瀷娲诲姩","Guarantee - large events"], id4caa1848c8ff4cee84da9b72ff5a4dc4:["鎵ц-鐗瑰嫟浠诲姟","Execution - Special Operations"], idc135695bb72c4a59abc3d5952be59841:["鐤忓-浜ら€氭嫢鍫?,"Dredging - traffic congestion"], id48518a93fc1948688289c968024a7f2e:["閰嶅悎-浜嬫晠澶勭悊","Cooperation - accident handling"], idebe97e8f621249ea8a4d6a381bc87dd5:["淇濋殰-绯荤粺杩愯","Guarantee - system operation"], id9bfcd1f520704017bb9ada0c6e8790c8:["鏅鸿兘-璁惧宸℃","Intelligence - device patrol"], idc9683a5236994c5bab2a2fbd1857ff6d:["缁翠慨-璁惧宸ュ崟","Repair - Equipment Work Order"], idbfcda668da754d428c3802cb12973438:["璺熻釜-缁翠慨杩涘害","Tracking - Repair Progress"], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43:["瀹℃牳-鏂藉伐鍥剧焊","Review - construction drawings"], id3763ef495b4d4b719e9e90be98cebfe4:["浼樺寲-浜ら€氱粍缁?,"Optimization - traffic organization"], id757e4f358d0d4952b025080841e5816b:["杈呭姪-椤圭洰鍐崇瓥","Auxiliary - project decision-making"], id32e82a4b5c0f44a897dea79e1f0fa640:["娣卞寲-绯荤粺璁捐","Deepening - system design"], id464d1f4458844762be51323f7a8eba17:["涓夋竻灞变箣鏃?,"Sanqing Mountain Tour"], id65fed9466df341fb96cc286791776d16:["2019骞村害杩庢柊鏅氫細","2019 New Year Party"], id1130cd2f6bea4101a195b4f55e06d5cb:["涓滄矙婀栧緬姝ユ瘮璧?,"Dongsha Lake Hiking Competition"], id7715fd5e5cc540c3af7e34df8c858edd:["涔濆崕灞变箣鏃?-蹇楀湪楂樿繙锛屾攢鐧绘棤闄?,"The Journey to Jiuhua Mountain -- Aspiring to High and Far, Climbing Unlimited"], id23:["钀ラ€犵幆澧冿紝鍒涢€犱环鍊?,"Create environment and create value"], id24:["鏅俊杈鹃泦鍥㈡槸涓€瀹舵嫢鏈変紒涓氱骇澶ф暟鎹牳蹇冧骇鍝佸拰浜ら€氬ぇ鑴戠殑楂樻柊鎶€鏈紒涓氥€ 澶ф暟鎹牳蹇冧骇鍝佷互浜哄伐鏅鸿兘銆佷簯璁$畻銆佹繁搴﹀涔犱互鍙婂湴鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁熶负鍩虹锛屼负鍏畨鎯呮姤鍒嗘瀽銆佸钩瀹夊煄甯傘€佹櫤鎱х幆淇濄€佹櫤鎱у畨闃层€佹暟瀛楁牎鍥瓑鐢ㄦ埛浠庢捣閲忓紓鏋勬暟鎹腑鎸栨帢娼滃湪浠峰€硷紝瀹屾垚澶嶆潅鏃剁┖鑳屾櫙涓嬬殑澶氱淮搴﹀叧鑱斿垎鏋愶紝涓哄鎴蜂笟鍔″喅绛栨彁渚涙暟鎹敮鎾戙€ 鍩庡競浜ら€氬ぇ鑴戞兜鐩栦簡鏅鸿兘浜ら€氶泦鎴愮鎺у钩鍙般€佸仠杞︾鐞嗐€佷氦閫氫俊鎭彂甯冦€佸叡浜崟杞︽湇鍔$鐞嗐€佹暟瀛楀叕浜ゃ€佽建閬撲氦閫氥€佺綉绾﹁溅鐩戠銆佸嚭绉熻溅鑱旂綉鑱旀帶銆佷氦閫氭€佸娍鐩戞祴绛夐鍩熴€ 鍏徃涓ユ牸閬靛畧ISO9001銆両SO14001銆両SO18001銆両SO27001銆両SO20000銆両TSS銆丆MMI5绛夋爣鍑嗕綋绯绘祦绋嬨€佸湪澶氫釜棰嗗煙鎷ユ湁鎴愬姛妗堜緥銆?,"Posinda Group is a high-tech enterprise with enterprise level big data core products and transportation brain. Based on artificial intelligence, cloud computing, deep learning and geographic information system, big data core products tap potential value from massive heterogeneous data for public security intelligence analysis, safe cities, smart environmental protection, smart security, digital campus and other users, complete multi-dimensional association analysis under complex space-time background, and provide data support for customer business decisions. The urban transportation brain covers the fields of intelligent transportation integrated management and control platform, parking management, traffic information release, shared bicycle service management, digital public transport, rail transit, online car hailing supervision, taxi online joint control, traffic situation monitoring, etc. The company strictly abides by ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO18001, ISO27001, ISO20000, ITSS, CMMI5 and other standard system processes, and has successful cases in many fields."], id25:["鏌ョ湅鏇村 MORE 鈫?,"READ MORE 鈫?], id26:["浜ら€氳繍钀ユ湇鍔 Quality Service","Transportation operation service Quality Service"], id27:["绉╁簭鑹ソ锛屼究姘戝埄姘?,"Good order, convenient for the people"], id28:["浜ら€氱鐞?,"traffic control"], id29:["鍜ㄨ璁捐","Consulting design"], id30:["浜ら€氫豢鐪?,"traffic simulation"], id31:["璁惧缁存姢","Equipment maintenance"], id32:["鍕ゅ姟淇濋殰","Service support"], id33:["鏃ュ父鍊煎畧","Daily duty"], id34:["浼樿川浜у搧 Products","High quality products"], id35:["鍔╀骇涓氬崌绾э紝鍚堜綔鍏辫耽銆佸垱閫犱环鍊笺€?,"To help industrial upgrading, win-win cooperation and create value."], id36:["瑙e喅鏂规 Solutions","Solutions"], id37:["鍙栭暱琛ョ煭 闀胯繙鍙戝睍","Learn from each other's strengths for long-term development"], id38:["鏂伴椈璧勮 News","News"], id39:["琛屼笟璧勮 Article","Industry Information Article"], id40:["涓婚〉","Home"], id41:["鍏充簬鎴戜滑","AboutUs"], id42:["鎴戜滑鐨勬晠浜?,"our story"], id43:["鏅俊杈鹃泦鍥㈡槸涓€瀹舵嫢鏈変紒涓氱骇澶ф暟鎹牳蹇冧骇鍝佸拰浜ら€氬ぇ鑴戠殑楂樻柊鎶€鏈紒涓氥€ 澶ф暟鎹牳蹇冧骇鍝佷互浜哄伐鏅鸿兘銆佷簯璁$畻銆佹繁搴﹀涔犱互鍙婂湴鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁熶负鍩虹锛屼负鍏畨鎯呮姤鍒嗘瀽銆佸钩瀹夊煄甯傘€佹櫤鎱х幆淇濄€佹櫤鎱у畨闃层€佹暟瀛楁牎鍥瓑鐢ㄦ埛浠庢捣閲忓紓鏋勬暟鎹腑鎸栨帢娼滃湪浠峰€硷紝瀹屾垚澶嶆潅鏃剁┖鑳屾櫙涓嬬殑澶氱淮搴﹀叧鑱斿垎鏋愶紝涓哄鎴蜂笟鍔″喅绛栨彁渚涙暟鎹敮鎾戙€ 鍩庡競浜ら€氬ぇ鑴戞兜鐩栦簡鏅鸿兘浜ら€氶泦鎴愮鎺у钩鍙般€佸仠杞︾鐞嗐€佷氦閫氫俊鎭彂甯冦€佸叡浜崟杞︽湇鍔$鐞嗐€佹暟瀛楀叕浜ゃ€佽建閬撲氦閫氥€佺綉绾﹁溅鐩戠銆佸嚭绉熻溅鑱旂綉鑱旀帶銆佷氦閫氭€佸娍鐩戞祴绛夐鍩熴€傚叕鍙镐弗鏍奸伒瀹圛SO9001銆両SO14001銆両SO18001銆両SO27001銆両SO20000銆両TSS銆丆MMI5绛夋爣鍑嗕綋绯绘祦绋嬨€佸湪澶氫釜棰嗗煙鎷ユ湁鎴愬姛妗堜緥銆?,"Posinda Group is a high-tech enterprise with enterprise level big data core products and transportation brain. Based on artificial intelligence, cloud computing, deep learning and geographic information system, big data core products tap potential value from massive heterogeneous data for public security intelligence analysis, safe cities, smart environmental protection, smart security, digital campus and other users, complete multi-dimensional association analysis under complex space-time background, and provide data support for customer business decisions. The urban transportation brain covers the fields of intelligent transportation integrated management and control platform, parking management, traffic information release, shared bicycle service management, digital public transport, rail transit, online car hailing supervision, taxi online joint control, traffic situation monitoring, etc. The company strictly abides by ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO18001, ISO27001, ISO20000, ITSS, CMMI5 and other standard system processes, and has successful cases in many fields."], id44:["鎴戜滑鐨勫畻鏃?,"Our purpose"], id45:["涓哄鎴锋彁渚涗釜鎬у寲鐨勬櫤鑳戒氦閫氳В鍐虫柟妗堝拰鎶€鏈湇鍔?,"Provide customers with personalized intelligent transportation solutions and technical services"], id46:["浠ュ鎴烽渶姹備负瀹楁棬锛岄€氳繃浜烘墠寮曢涓撲笟锛岄€氳繃涓撲笟鎴愬氨鍝佽川锛岄€氳繃鍝佽川閾稿氨鏈潵銆?,"With customer demand as the purpose, we should lead the profession through talents, achieve quality through profession, and build the future through quality."], id47:["鎴戜滑鐨勪娇鍛?,"Our mission"], id48:["鑱氱劍瀹㈡埛鍏虫敞鐨勬寫鎴樺拰鍘嬪姏锛屾彁渚涙湁绔炰簤鍔涚殑鏅鸿兘浜ら€氱患鍚堣В鍐虫柟妗堬紝鎸佺画涓哄鎴峰垱閫犳渶澶т环鍊笺€?,"Focus on the challenges and pressures that customers pay attention to, provide competitive intelligent transportation comprehensive solutions, and continue to create maximum value for customers."], id49:["璁╁煄甯傛洿鏅烘収锛岃浜ら€氭洿瀹夊叏銆?,"Make the city more intelligent and traffic safer."], id50:["鎴戜滑鐨勪娇鍛藉拰鎰挎櫙","Our mission and vision"], id51:["鑱氱劍瀹㈡埛鍏虫敞鐨勬寫鎴樺拰鍘嬪姏锛屾彁渚涙湁绔炰簤鍔涚殑鏅鸿兘浜ら€氱患鍚堣В鍐虫柟妗堬紝鎸佺画涓哄鎴峰垱閫犳渶澶т环鍊笺€?,"Focus on the challenges and pressures that customers pay attention to, provide competitive intelligent transportation comprehensive solutions, and continue to create maximum value for customers."], id52:["鎶婃櫘淇¤揪鎵撻€犳垚鍥藉唴鏅鸿兘浜ら€氱患鍚堣В鍐虫柟妗堢涓€鍝佺墝,鏋勫缓浠ヤ骇鍝佺爺鍙戙€佺敓浜с€佺郴缁熷缓璁惧拰缁存姢涓轰竴浣撶殑鍔ㄩ潤鎬佷氦閫氫笟鍔$敓鎬佹湇鍔′綋绯?,"Build Posinda into the first brand of comprehensive intelligent transportation solutions in China, and build a dynamic and static transportation business ecological service system integrating product research and development, production, system construction and maintenance"], id53:["鏍稿績浠峰€艰","Core values"], id54:["鎴愬氨瀹㈡埛","Achieve customers"], id55:["鍒涙柊杩涘彇","Innovation and progress"], id56:["鍥㈤槦鍚堜綔","team work"], id57:["杩芥眰鍗撹秺","Pursue excellence"], id58:["鏈嶅姟","service"], id59:["浠跨湡璇勪及","Simulation evaluation"], id65fed9466df341fb96cc286791776d16content:[ "


", "

Posinda Group's 2019 New Year Gala ended successfully, with fruitful results in 2018 and brilliant future in 2019!

", ], id65fed9466df341fb96cc286791776d16contentStr:["鏅俊杈鹃泦鍥?019骞村害杩庢柊鏅氫細瀹屾弧钀藉箷锛?018骞寸鏋滅疮绱紝2019骞村皢杩涜鍏遍摳杈夌厡锛?,"Posinda Group's 2019 New Year Gala ended successfully, with fruitful results in 2018 and brilliant future in 2019!"], id1130cd2f6bea4101a195b4f55e06d5cbcontent:[ "

涓烘彁楂樺洟闃熷嚌鑱氬姏锛屾椿璺冨洟闃熸皵姘涳紝鏅俊杈惧湪寰噳鐨勬繁绉嬩妇琛屼簡鍏ㄤ綋鍛樺伐涓滄矙婀栧緬姝ユ瘮璧涙椿鍔紝璁╁ぇ瀹跺湪蹇欑鐨勫伐浣滀箣浣欐湁鏈轰細鍙互鍔犲己閿荤偧锛屽杩涙劅鎯呫€傜幆婀栧緬姝ユ瘮璧涗簬2018 骞 11 鏈 9 鏃ヤ妇琛岋紝璧涚▼涓虹幆婀栦袱鍛紝鍦ㄦ瘮璧涗箣鍚庤繘琛屼簡棰佸娲诲姩鍜屼赴瀵屾湁瓒g殑灏忔父鎴忥紝娲诲姩鍦ㄩ槼婢勬箹鐣斿搧锜瑰涔嬪悗鍦嗘弧缁撴潫銆侟/span>


", "

In order to improve the team cohesion and activate the team atmosphere, Posinda held a hiking competition for all employees in Dongsha Lake in the cool late autumn, giving everyone a chance to strengthen their exercise and enhance their feelings after their busy work. The round the lake hiking competition was held on November 9, 2018. The competition lasted for two weeks around the lake. After the competition, there were awards activities and interesting games. The activity ended successfully after the crab tasting banquet at Yangcheng Lake.

The optimized combination of experienced industry experts and vigorous young team is the feature and advantage of Posinda; We have also been committed to building a team with high cohesion and execution. I believe that Posinda, with a strong team, will be more confident in facing many challenges in the future!

", ], id1130cd2f6bea4101a195b4f55e06d5cbcontentStr1:["涓烘彁楂樺洟闃熷嚌鑱氬姏锛屾椿璺冨洟闃熸皵姘涳紝鏅俊杈惧湪寰噳鐨勬繁绉嬩妇琛屼簡鍏ㄤ綋鍛樺伐涓滄矙婀栧緬姝ユ瘮璧涙椿鍔紝璁╁ぇ瀹跺湪蹇欑鐨勫伐浣滀箣浣欐湁鏈轰細鍙互鍔犲己閿荤偧锛屽杩涙劅鎯呫€傜幆婀栧緬姝ユ瘮璧涗簬2018 骞 11 鏈 9 鏃ヤ妇琛岋紝璧涚▼涓虹幆婀栦袱鍛紝鍦ㄦ瘮璧涗箣鍚庤繘琛屼簡棰佸娲诲姩鍜屼赴瀵屾湁瓒g殑灏忔父鎴忥紝娲诲姩鍦ㄩ槼婢勬箹鐣斿搧锜瑰涔嬪悗鍦嗘弧缁撴潫銆?,"In order to improve the team cohesion and activate the team atmosphere, Posinda held a hiking competition for all employees in Dongsha Lake in the cool late autumn, giving everyone a chance to strengthen their exercise and enhance their feelings after their busy work. The round the lake hiking competition was held on November 9, 2018. The competition lasted for two weeks around the lake. After the competition, there were awards activities and interesting games. The activity ended successfully after the crab tasting banquet at Yangcheng Lake."], id1130cd2f6bea4101a195b4f55e06d5cbcontentStr2:["缁忛獙涓板瘜鐨勮涓氫笓瀹跺拰鏈濇皵钃媰鐨勫勾杞婚槦浼嶇殑浼樺寲缁勫悎鏄櫘淇¤揪鐨勭壒鑹插拰浼樺娍锛涙垜浠篃涓€鐩磋嚧鍔涗簬鎵撻€犻珮鍑濊仛鍔涖€侀珮鎵ц鍔涚殑鍥〓闃熴€傜浉淇℃嫢鏈夊己澶ч槦浼嶇殑鏅俊杈惧湪闈㈠鏈潵浼楀鎸戞垬鏃朵細鏇村姞鑷俊锛?,"The optimized combination of experienced industry experts and vigorous young team is the feature and advantage of Posinda; We have also been committed to building a team with high cohesion and execution. I believe that Posinda, with a strong team, will be more confident in facing many challenges in the future!"], id464d1f4458844762be51323f7a8eba17content:[ "

鏄ユ毀鑺卞紑姝f槸韪忛潚濂芥椂鑺?涓轰簡钀ラ€犲仴搴风Н鏋佺殑浼佷笟鏂囧寲锛屾彁鍗囧洟闃熷嚌鑱氬姏锛屽杩涘憳宸ヤ氦娴侊紝璁╁ぇ瀹跺湪绻佸繖宸ヤ綔涓斁鏉捐韩蹇冦€佷韩鍙楄嚜鐒讹紝浠ユ洿楗辨弧鐨勭簿绁炴洿绉瀬鐨勬€佸害鍘婚潰瀵瑰伐浣滃拰鐢熸椿锛?鏈?6鏃ワ紝鍏徃鐗圭粍缁囦節鍗庡北3鏃ユ父韪忛潚娲诲姩銆傛墍璋撶櫥楂樻墠鑳芥湜杩滐紝铏界劧鍏朵腑涓ゅぉ鐨勮绋嬮兘鏈夌櫥涓婂嚑鐧句釜楂橀樁鐨勫畨鎺掞紝铏界劧涔呭潗鍔炲叕妗屽墠鐨勬垜浠敤灏戒簡娲崚涔嬪姏鎵嶈兘鍒拌揪鐩殑鍦帮紝绗簩澶╄繕瑕佷綋浼氫竴涓嬭繖涔呰繚鐨勯吀鐖斤紝浣嗘槸绱㈡€уぇ瀹堕兘鍧氭寔浜嗕笅鏉ワ紝骞舵病鏈変换浣曚竴涓汉鍦ㄤ腑閫旀斁寮冿紝鐜╃殑灏藉叴鍚屾椂鎰熸叏涓€涓嬶紝甯屾湜鎴戜滑鐢ㄧ潃杩欏潥鎸佷笉鎳堢殑绮剧鍒涢€犳櫘淇¤揪鐨勬槑澶╋紝涔熸湡寰呮潵骞村啀鏀€鏂扮殑楂樺嘲锛?/p>", "

Spring is a good time for outing! In order to create a healthy and positive corporate culture, enhance team cohesion, enhance employee communication, let everyone relax and enjoy nature in their busy work, and face work and life with a more full spirit and positive attitude, the company specially organized a three-day outing in Jiuhua Mountain on April 26. The so-called ability to climb high is far away. Although there are hundreds of high-level arrangements for the two days of the trip, although we have spent a lot of time in front of our desks to reach our destination, and the next day we will experience the sour feeling of our long absence, we simply persevered, and no one gave up in the middle of the journey. We hope that we can use this perseverance to create the future of Posinda, We also look forward to climbing a new peak in the coming year!

", ], id464d1f4458844762be51323f7a8eba17contentStr:["鏄ユ毀鑺卞紑姝f槸韪忛潚濂芥椂鑺?涓轰簡钀ラ€犲仴搴风Н鏋佺殑浼佷笟鏂囧寲锛屾彁鍗囧洟闃熷嚌鑱氬姏锛屽杩涘憳宸ヤ氦娴侊紝璁╁ぇ瀹跺湪绻佸繖宸ヤ綔涓斁鏉捐韩蹇冦€佷韩鍙楄嚜鐒讹紝浠ユ洿楗辨弧鐨勭簿绁炴洿绉瀬鐨勬€佸害鍘婚潰瀵瑰伐浣滃拰鐢熸椿锛?鏈?6鏃ワ紝鍏徃鐗圭粍缁囦節鍗庡北3鏃ユ父韪忛潚娲诲姩銆傛墍璋撶櫥楂樻墠鑳芥湜杩滐紝铏界劧鍏朵腑涓ゅぉ鐨勮绋嬮兘鏈夌櫥涓婂嚑鐧句釜楂橀樁鐨勫畨鎺掞紝铏界劧涔呭潗鍔炲叕妗屽墠鐨勬垜浠敤灏戒簡娲崚涔嬪姏鎵嶈兘鍒拌揪鐩殑鍦帮紝绗簩澶╄繕瑕佷綋浼氫竴涓嬭繖涔呰繚鐨勯吀鐖斤紝浣嗘槸绱㈡€уぇ瀹堕兘鍧氭寔浜嗕笅鏉ワ紝骞舵病鏈変换浣曚竴涓汉鍦ㄤ腑閫旀斁寮冿紝鐜╃殑灏藉叴鍚屾椂鎰熸叏涓€涓嬶紝甯屾湜鎴戜滑鐢ㄧ潃杩欏潥鎸佷笉鎳堢殑绮剧鍒涢€犳櫘淇¤揪鐨勬槑澶╋紝涔熸湡寰呮潵骞村啀鏀€鏂扮殑楂樺嘲锛?,"Spring is a good time for outing! In order to create a healthy and positive corporate culture, enhance team cohesion, enhance employee communication, let everyone relax and enjoy nature in their busy work, and face work and life with a more full spirit and positive attitude, the company specially organized a three-day outing in Jiuhua Mountain on April 26. The so-called ability to climb high is far away. Although there are hundreds of high-level arrangements for the two days of the trip, although we have spent a lot of time in front of our desks to reach our destination, and the next day we will experience the sour feeling of our long absence, we simply persevered, and no one gave up in the middle of the journey. We hope that we can use this perseverance to create the future of Posinda, We also look forward to climbing a new peak in the coming year!"], // ida9b6dc0f4ad84af482ce8b709f2e318dcontent:["

",""], id2d05ea3e28204b73bd8e7faf25b8d6eecontent:[ "




", "

We provide reasonable travel guidance services based on multi-source traffic data (including business system and Internet), combined with integrated guidance algorithms, to make traffic guidance more intelligent, accurate and reasonable.

Analyze a number of core traffic data based on a variety of professional algorithms to achieve traffic situation assessment, assist the traffic management department to dynamically track, monitor congestion status and predict change trends based on the traffic assessment results, and provide quantitative index basis for traffic planning and traffic optimization.

We can provide corresponding urban traffic trip data application services based on the captured data of the electric police checkpoint, and provide basic data analysis services for urban traffic planning and evaluation; At the same time, we can provide government decision-making departments with evaluation reports on urban road planning, traffic organization and management by using our analysis, research and judgment data

", ], id2d05ea3e28204b73bd8e7faf25b8d6eecontentStr1:["鎴戜滑鍩轰簬澶氭簮鐨勪氦閫氭暟鎹紙鍖呮嫭涓氬姟浣撶郴鐨勪互鍙婁簰鑱旂綉鐨勶級锛岀粨鍚堣瀺鍚堢殑璇卞绠楁硶锛岀粰鍑哄悎鐞嗙殑鍑鸿璇卞鏈嶅姟锛岃浜ら€氳瀵兼洿鍔犳櫤鑳姐€佹洿鍔犲噯纭€佹洿鍔犲悎鐞嗐€?,"We provide reasonable travel guidance services based on multi-source traffic data (including business system and Internet), combined with integrated guidance algorithms, to make traffic guidance more intelligent, accurate and reasonable."], id2d05ea3e28204b73bd8e7faf25b8d6eecontentStr2:["鍩轰簬澶氱涓撲笟绠楁硶瀵瑰椤规牳蹇冧氦閫氭暟鎹繘琛屽垎鏋愶紝瀹炵幇浜ら€氭€佸娍璇勪及锛岃緟鍔╀氦閫氱鐞嗛儴闂ㄤ緷鎹氦閫氳瘎浼扮粨鏋滃姩鎬佽窡韪€佺洃娴嬫嫢鍫电姸鎬佸拰棰勬祴鍙樺寲瓒嬪娍锛屼负浜ら€氳鍒掋€佷氦閫氫紭鍖栫殑鎻愪緵閲忓寲鎸囨爣渚濇嵁銆?,"Analyze a number of core traffic data based on a variety of professional algorithms to achieve traffic situation assessment, assist the traffic management department to dynamically track, monitor congestion status and predict change trends based on the traffic assessment results, and provide quantitative index basis for traffic planning and traffic optimization."], id2d05ea3e28204b73bd8e7faf25b8d6eecontentStr3:["鎴戜滑鍙互鍩轰簬鐢佃鍗″彛鎶撴媿鏁版嵁锛屾彁渚涚浉搴旂殑鍩庡競浜ら€氬嚭琛岄噺鏁版嵁搴旂敤鏈嶅姟锛屼负鍩庡競浜ら€氳鍒掑拰璇勪环鎻愪緵鍩虹鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽鏈嶅姟锛涘悓鏃跺埄鐢ㄦ垜浠垎鏋愮爺鍒ょ殑鏁版嵁锛屾垜浠彲浠ヤ负鏀垮簻鍐崇瓥閮ㄩ棬鎻愪緵鍩庡競閬撹矾瑙勫垝鍙婁氦閫氱粍缁囩鐞嗙瓑鏂归潰鐨勮瘎浼版姤鍛?,"We can provide corresponding urban traffic trip data application services based on the captured data of the electric police checkpoint, and provide basic data analysis services for urban traffic planning and evaluation; At the same time, we can provide government decision-making departments with evaluation reports on urban road planning, traffic organization and management by using our analysis, research and judgment data"], id40481db7517a491faaf1cb7a6c20ea40content:[ "




", "

Optimize intersection channelization, adjust the unreasonable signal timing, and solve the problems of unreasonable local traffic flow distribution and unbalanced road network load;

Improve public service facilities, alleviate serious congestion in key areas, and enhance the city image;

Improve the defects of chronic system facilities and optimize traffic control measures.

", ], id40481db7517a491faaf1cb7a6c20ea40contentStr1:["浼樺寲璺彛娓犲寲锛岃皟鏁翠俊鍙烽厤鏃朵笉鍚堢悊涔嬪锛岃В鍐冲眬閮ㄤ氦閫氭祦鍒嗛厤涓嶅悎鐞嗭紝璺綉璐熻嵎涓嶅潎琛¢棶棰橈紱","Optimize intersection channelization, adjust the unreasonable signal timing, and solve the problems of unreasonable local traffic flow distribution and unbalanced road network load;"], id40481db7517a491faaf1cb7a6c20ea40contentStr2:["鏀瑰杽鍏叡鏈嶅姟璁炬柦闂锛岀紦瑙i噸鐐瑰尯鍩熶弗閲嶆嫢鍫碉紝鎻愬崌鍩庡競褰㈣薄锛?,"Improve public service facilities, alleviate serious congestion in key areas, and enhance the city image;"], id40481db7517a491faaf1cb7a6c20ea40contentStr3:["瀹屽杽鎱㈡€х郴缁熻鏂藉瓨鍦ㄧ殑缂洪櫡锛屼紭鍖栦氦閫氱鍒舵帾鏂姐€?,"Improve the defects of chronic system facilities and optimize traffic control measures."], id8ccd9c9d7fb54303a8006e68593f30f4content:[ "


", "

The signal trusteeship service provides comprehensive and refined urban traffic signal management, uses scientific, reasonable and professional traffic operation services, optimizes the timing and road organization of small intersections, large green wave optimization covering the whole road, and urban regional coordination control

", ], id8ccd9c9d7fb54303a8006e68593f30f4contentStr:["淇″彿鎵樼鏈嶅姟鎻愪緵鍏ㄩ潰绮剧粏鍖栫殑鍩庡競浜ら€氫俊鍙风鐞嗭紝鍒╃敤绉戝銆佸悎鐞嗐€佷笓涓氱殑浜ら€氳繍钀ユ湇鍔★紝灏忓埌涓€涓矾鍙g殑閰嶆椂浼樺寲銆侀亾璺粍缁囦紭鍖栫瓑锛屽ぇ鐨勮鐩栧埌鏁存潯璺殑缁挎尝浼樺寲锛屼互鍙婂煄甯傜骇鐨勫尯鍩熷崗璋冩帶鍒讹紝閮戒氦缁欐垜浠潵鎼炲畾","The signal trusteeship service provides comprehensive and refined urban traffic signal management, uses scientific, reasonable and professional traffic operation services, optimizes the timing and road organization of small intersections, large green wave optimization covering the whole road, and urban regional coordination control"], idb36e61eb3c0947fbb1053c40e3d70996content:[ "



", "

Through dynamic algorithm, traffic paths are allocated, and space-time resources are fully utilized to effectively relieve traffic pressure brought by activities;

Take control measures to ensure the orderly operation of traffic during the activity; Prepare emergency plan and prepare for evacuation.

", ], idb36e61eb3c0947fbb1053c40e3d70996contentStr1:["閫氳繃鍔ㄦ€佺畻娉曪紝鍒嗛厤浜ら€氳矾寰勶紝鍏呭垎鍒╃敤鏃剁┖璧勬簮锛屾湁鏁堢紦瑙f椿鍔ㄥ甫鏉ョ殑浜ら€氬帇鍔涳紱","Through dynamic algorithm, traffic paths are allocated, and space-time resources are fully utilized to effectively relieve traffic pressure brought by activities;"], idb36e61eb3c0947fbb1053c40e3d70996contentStr2:["閲囧彇绠℃帶鎺柦锛屼繚闅滄椿鍔ㄦ湡闂翠氦閫氭湁搴忚繍琛岋紱鍒跺畾搴旀€ラ妗堬紝鍋氬ソ鐤忔暎鍑嗗銆?,"Take control measures to ensure the orderly operation of traffic during the activity; Prepare emergency plan and prepare for evacuation."], idbf0537a4e11b41b8b086e3da655c89facontent:[ "

鏍规嵁澶ф暟鎹垎鏋愯拷韪嫢鍫佃矾娈碉紝瀹炴椂棰勮锛屽垎鏋愭嫢鍫靛師鍥狅紝閲囧彇浼樺寲鎺柦锛屾湁鏁堢枏瀵兼嫢鍫袋/p>", "

Track the congested road sections according to big data analysis, give real-time warning, analyze the causes of congestion, and take optimization measures to effectively ease congestion

", ], idbf0537a4e11b41b8b086e3da655c89facontentStr:["鏍规嵁澶ф暟鎹垎鏋愯拷韪嫢鍫佃矾娈碉紝瀹炴椂棰勮锛屽垎鏋愭嫢鍫靛師鍥狅紝閲囧彇浼樺寲鎺柦锛屾湁鏁堢枏瀵兼嫢鍫?,"Track the congested road sections according to big data analysis, give real-time warning, analyze the causes of congestion, and take optimization measures to effectively ease congestion"], id576c22f484af42a09ef08373d280655acontent:[ "


", "

The comprehensive guidance release system includes traffic guidance release and parking guidance release. The traffic guidance release docks with the flow collection system, automatically generates real-time road conditions through the guidance algorithm and releases them to the guidance screen. Parking guidance release docks with parking data acquisition equipment in parking lot to obtain real-time parking data and release it to guidance screen.

", ], id576c22f484af42a09ef08373d280655acontentStr:["缁煎悎璇卞鍙戝竷绯荤粺鍖呭惈浜ら€氳瀵煎彂甯冨拰鍋滆溅璇卞鍙戝竷銆備氦閫氳瀵煎彂甯冨鎺ユ祦閲忛噰闆嗙郴缁燂紝閫氳繃璇卞绠楁硶锛岃嚜鍔ㄧ敓鎴愬疄鏃惰矾鍐靛苟鍙戝竷鍒拌瀵煎睆銆傚仠杞﹁瀵煎彂甯冨鎺ュ仠杞﹀満鍋滆溅鏁版嵁閲囬泦璁惧锛岃幏鍙栧疄鏃跺仠杞︽暟鎹紝骞跺彂甯冨埌璇卞灞忋€?,"The comprehensive guidance release system includes traffic guidance release and parking guidance release. The traffic guidance release docks with the flow collection system, automatically generates real-time road conditions through the guidance algorithm and releases them to the guidance screen. Parking guidance release docks with parking data acquisition equipment in parking lot to obtain real-time parking data and release it to guidance screen."], idcbc0fe3fafb1421eba6652002f0fc57dcontent:[ "


", "

Provide information query services, traffic safety information notification, notification, announcement, announcement, prompt and warning education services, traffic operation conditions, weather conditions, road construction, traffic control, traffic accident notification services, etc. It provides reporting functions such as public traffic conditions and road hazards, and related administrative approval applications to improve public traffic participation, simplify public work processes, and achieve interaction between the police and the people.

", ], idcbc0fe3fafb1421eba6652002f0fc57dcontentStr:["鎻愪緵淇℃伅鏌ヨ绫绘湇鍔°€佷氦閫氬畨鍏ㄤ俊鎭憡鐭ャ€侀€氭姤銆佸叕鍛娿€佸叕甯冦€佹彁绀哄強璀︾ず鏁欒偛绛夋湇鍔★紝浜ら€氳繍琛岀姸鍐点€佸ぉ姘旂姸鍐点€侀亾璺柦宸ャ€佷氦閫氱鍒躲€佷氦閫氫簨鏁呴€氭姤鏈嶅姟绛夈€傛彁渚涘競姘戜氦閫氳矾鍐点€侀亾璺殣鎮g瓑涓婃姤鍔熻兘锛岀浉鍏宠鏀垮鎵圭敵璇风瓑鏈嶅姟锛屼互鎻愰珮甯傛皯浜ら€氬弬涓庡害锛岀畝鍖栧競姘戝姙浜嬫祦绋嬶紝瀹炵幇璀︽皯浜掑姩銆?,"Provide information query services, traffic safety information notification, notification, announcement, announcement, prompt and warning education services, traffic operation conditions, weather conditions, road construction, traffic control, traffic accident notification services, etc. It provides reporting functions such as public traffic conditions and road hazards, and related administrative approval applications to improve public traffic participation, simplify public work processes, and achieve interaction between the police and the people."], id52fae2e7f1694782b842f3392615b019content:[ "


", "

Combined with the traffic geographic information system, realize the closed-loop management of \"information, guidance, attendance and supervision\" of intelligent traffic service: specify the specific responsibility area and the police in charge, promote the electronic scheduling of service, and display the position and status of the police on duty in real time. When encountering unexpected tasks, the police can be dispatched to arrive at the nearest place as soon as possible. Service supervision is realized through visual supervision, flat interaction and digital recording; Through the dynamic service score system, the service is objectively assessed to realize the standardization, systematization and perfection of service assessment. Through data analysis, the service information can be summarized and refined, so that managers can more intuitively understand the specific workload of the police and the trend of various traffic violations. The system can guide the police to give priority to the implementation of important service work and improve their initiative, enthusiasm and efficiency.

", ], id52fae2e7f1694782b842f3392615b019contentStr:["缁撳悎浜ら€氬湴鐞嗕俊鎭郴缁熷疄鐜版櫤鑳戒氦閫氬嫟鍔$殑鈥滄儏銆佹寚銆佸嫟銆佺潱鈥濋棴鐜鐞嗭細鏄庣‘鍏蜂綋鐨勮矗浠诲尯鍜岃礋璐f皯璀?鎺ㄨ繘鍕ゅ姟鎺掔彮鐢靛瓙鍖栵紝瀹炴椂灞曠ず鎵у嫟姘戣浣嶇疆銆佺姸鎬侊紝褰撻亣鍒扮獊鍙戜换鍔℃椂锛屽彲璋冨害灏辫繎姘戣绗竴鏃堕棿鍒拌揪銆傞€氳繃鍙鍖栫洃鐫o紝鎵佸钩鍖栦簰鍔ㄣ€佹暟瀛楀寲璁板綍瀹炵幇鍕ゅ姟鐫e锛涢€氳繃鍔ㄦ€佸嫟鍔$Н鍒嗗埗瀵瑰嫟鍔¤繘琛屽瑙傝€冩牳锛屽疄鐜板嫟鍔¤€冩牳鏍囧噯鍖栥€佷綋绯诲寲銆佸仴鍏ㄥ寲銆傞€氳繃鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽锛岃揪鎴愬嫟鍔′俊鎭眹鎬荤簿缁嗗寲锛屼娇绠$悊鑰呮洿鐩磋鐨勪簡瑙f皯璀﹀叿浣撶殑宸ヤ綔閲忥紝浠ュ強鍚勭被浜ら€氳繚娉曡涓哄憟鐜拌秼鍔裤€傜郴缁熻兘寮曞姘戣浼樺厛鎵ц閲嶈鍕ゅ姟宸ヤ綔锛屾彁楂樻皯璀﹀伐浣滀富鍔ㄦ€с€佺Н鏋佹€у拰宸ヤ綔鏁堢巼銆?,"Combined with the traffic geographic information system, realize the closed-loop management of \"information, guidance, attendance and supervision\" of intelligent traffic service: specify the specific responsibility area and the police in charge, promote the electronic scheduling of service, and display the position and status of the police on duty in real time. When encountering unexpected tasks, the police can be dispatched to arrive at the nearest place as soon as possible. Service supervision is realized through visual supervision, flat interaction and digital recording; Through the dynamic service score system, the service is objectively assessed to realize the standardization, systematization and perfection of service assessment. Through data analysis, the service information can be summarized and refined, so that managers can more intuitively understand the specific workload of the police and the trend of various traffic violations. The system can guide the police to give priority to the implementation of important service work and improve their initiative, enthusiasm and efficiency."], id617a4a221eb54a388c02f24aea9af812content:[ "


", "

Through the development of standardized data and command interfaces, multiple subsystems such as traffic signal control, video monitoring, situation awareness, guidance release, mobile police, operation and maintenance are integrated to shield the differences between different equipment models for unified management and control. Through the modules of police command, prediction and early warning, research and decision making, the system realizes the automation of congestion command and dispatching process, the automation of detection, distribution and disposal process, and the intellectualization of traffic guards, improves the execution efficiency of traffic command and dispatching, reduces the length of traffic congestion and traffic delay, improves the road utilization, and eliminates potential safety hazards to a certain extent.

", ], id617a4a221eb54a388c02f24aea9af812contentStr:["閫氳繃鍒跺畾鏍囧噯鍖栨暟鎹強鎸囦护鎺ュ彛锛屽皢浜ら€氫俊鍙锋帶鍒躲€佽棰戠洃鎺с€佹€佸娍鎰熺煡銆佽瀵煎彂甯冦€佺Щ鍔ㄨ鍔°€佽繍琛岀淮鎶ょ瓑澶氫釜瀛愮郴缁熻繘琛岄泦鎴愶紝灞忚斀涓嶅悓璁惧鍨嬪彿鐨勫樊寮傝繘琛岀粺涓€绠℃帶銆傞€氳繃璀﹀姟鎸囨尌銆侀娴嬮璀﹀強鐮斿垽鍐崇瓥妯″潡绛夋ā鍧楋紝瀹炵幇浜嗘嫢鍫垫寚鎸ヨ皟搴︽祦绋嬭嚜鍔ㄥ寲銆佺級鏌ュ竷鎺у缃祦绋嬭嚜鍔ㄥ寲銆佷氦閫氳鍗殑鏅鸿兘鍖栵紝鎻愰珮浜嗕氦閫氭寚鎸ヨ皟搴︾殑鎵ц鏁堢巼锛屽噺灏戜簡浜ら€氭嫢鍫垫椂闀垮拰閫氳寤惰鏃堕棿锛屾彁楂樹簡閬撹矾鍒╃敤鐜囷紝涓€瀹氱▼搴︿笂娑堥櫎瀹夊叏闅愭偅銆?,"Through the development of standardized data and command interfaces, multiple subsystems such as traffic signal control, video monitoring, situation awareness, guidance release, mobile police, operation and maintenance are integrated to shield the differences between different equipment models for unified management and control. Through the modules of police command, prediction and early warning, research and decision making, the system realizes the automation of congestion command and dispatching process, the automation of detection, distribution and disposal process, and the intellectualization of traffic guards, improves the execution efficiency of traffic command and dispatching, reduces the length of traffic congestion and traffic delay, improves the road utilization, and eliminates potential safety hazards to a certain extent."], id48a70bb091b044e786684a97dba4e143content:[ "


", "

Relying on the urban basic road data and the road network base map of the Internet company, build a complete, updated and timely refined lane level map and visual map service of the regional road network as the visual map support of the intelligent transportation upper platform; Build a special visualization map system for traffic management that integrates basic road traffic information, business specific layer management, and data visualization analysis services.

", ], id48a70bb091b044e786684a97dba4e143contentStr:["浠ュ煄甯傚熀纭€閬撹矾鏁版嵁鍜屼簰鑱旂綉鍏徃璺綉搴曞浘涓轰緷鎵橈紝鎼缓鍖哄煙璺綉瀹屾暣銆佹洿鏂板強鏃剁殑绮剧粏鍖栬溅閬撶骇鍦板浘鍜屽彲瑙嗗寲鍦板浘鏈嶅姟浣滀负鏅鸿兘浜ら€氫笂灞傚钩鍙扮殑鍙鍖栧湴鍥炬敮鎾戯紱鏋勫缓闆嗛亾璺氦閫氬熀纭€淇℃伅銆佷笟鍔′笓鐢ㄥ浘灞傜鐞嗐€佹暟鎹彲瑙嗗寲鍒嗘瀽鏈嶅姟涓轰竴浣撶殑浜ら€氱鐞嗕笓鐢ㄥ彲瑙嗗寲鍦板浘绯荤粺銆?,"Relying on the urban basic road data and the road network base map of the Internet company, build a complete, updated and timely refined lane level map and visual map service of the regional road network as the visual map support of the intelligent transportation upper platform; Build a special visualization map system for traffic management that integrates basic road traffic information, business specific layer management, and data visualization analysis services."], idb27df3d227e84a259ebf53fc2e6d5c59content:[ "


", "

The comprehensive traffic business management platform has realized the resource integration of the whole city's signal, checkpoint electric alarm, guidance screen, video monitoring and other equipment systems, and formed a comprehensive application platform for the unified use of the city's traffic police, such as traffic condition monitoring, vehicle detection and control, public information service, police management and so on. The platform is composed of checkpoint management system, GIS system, maintenance system, etc.

", ], idb27df3d227e84a259ebf53fc2e6d5c59contentStr:["浜ら€氱患鍚堜笟鍔$鐞嗗钩鍙板疄鐜颁簡鍏ㄥ競淇″彿鏈恒€佸崱鍙g數璀︺€佽瀵煎睆銆佽棰戠洃鎺х瓑璁惧绯荤粺鐨勮祫婧愭暣鍚堬紝褰㈡垚鍏ㄥ競浜よ缁熶竴浣跨敤鐨勪氦閫氱姸鍐电洃鎺с€佹満鍔ㄨ溅缂夋煡甯冩帶銆佸叕浼椾俊鎭湇鍔°€佽鍔$鐞嗙瓑缁煎悎杩愮敤骞冲彴銆傚钩鍙扮敱鍗″彛绠$悊绯荤粺銆丟IS绯荤粺銆佺淮鎶ょ郴缁熺瓑缁勬垚銆?,"The comprehensive traffic business management platform has realized the resource integration of the whole city's signal, checkpoint electric alarm, guidance screen, video monitoring and other equipment systems, and formed a comprehensive application platform for the unified use of the city's traffic police, such as traffic condition monitoring, vehicle detection and control, public information service, police management and so on. The platform is composed of checkpoint management system, GIS system, maintenance system, etc."], iddcb34f781d044dcba608c58674d9c5a4content:[ "

瀹炵幇浜嗗浜ら€氭暟鎹殑鏀堕泦绠$悊锛屽鏁版嵁鐨勫疄鏃跺強浜嬪悗鍒嗘瀽锛屼负鍏紬鍑鸿鎻愪緵瀹炴椂璺喌淇℃伅锛屼负璺斂閮ㄩ棬鎻愪緵浜ら€氱洃绠″拰瑙勫垝鎶€鏈敮鎾戙€ 鏅鸿兘浜ら€氬ぇ鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽骞冲彴涓昏鍖呮嫭涓夋柟闈㈢殑鍐呭锛氫氦閫氫俊鎭暟鎹郴缁熴€佷氦閫氱患鍚堢洃娴嬪拰棰勮绯荤粺銆佸叕浼楀嚭琛屼俊鎭湇鍔$郴缁熴€侟/span>

", "

It realizes the collection and management of traffic data, real-time and post analysis of data, provides real-time road condition information for public travel, and provides technical support for traffic supervision and planning for road administration departments. The intelligent transportation big data analysis platform mainly includes three aspects: traffic information data system, comprehensive traffic monitoring and early warning system, and public travel information service system.

", ], iddcb34f781d044dcba608c58674d9c5a4contentStr:["瀹炵幇浜嗗浜ら€氭暟鎹殑鏀堕泦绠$悊锛屽鏁版嵁鐨勫疄鏃跺強浜嬪悗鍒嗘瀽锛屼负鍏紬鍑鸿鎻愪緵瀹炴椂璺喌淇℃伅锛屼负璺斂閮ㄩ棬鎻愪緵浜ら€氱洃绠″拰瑙勫垝鎶€鏈敮鎾戙€ 鏅鸿兘浜ら€氬ぇ鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽骞冲彴涓昏鍖呮嫭涓夋柟闈㈢殑鍐呭锛氫氦閫氫俊鎭暟鎹郴缁熴€佷氦閫氱患鍚堢洃娴嬪拰棰勮绯荤粺銆佸叕浼楀嚭琛屼俊鎭湇鍔$郴缁熴€?,"It realizes the collection and management of traffic data, real-time and post analysis of data, provides real-time road condition information for public travel, and provides technical support for traffic supervision and planning for road administration departments. The intelligent transportation big data analysis platform mainly includes three aspects: traffic information data system, comprehensive traffic monitoring and early warning system, and public travel information service system."], id2919305cd1bd4b0c9d5ddcc84bc463b4content:[ "


", "

        Sometimes traffic managers have many different control strategies for the traffic environment within their management scope, but they cannot know which strategy is more suitable for the current environment. If implemented directly, it may not achieve ideal results, and it takes time and effort. This situation is solved by traffic simulation. Simulate the management control strategy in the traffic simulation software, input relevant parameters, run the simulation, check the evaluation index under different control strategies, and timely adjust the problems encountered in the simulation process to obtain the optimal control strategy, and then implement it to the public. After achieving good results, it can improve the public's recognition of traffic managers.

"], id2919305cd1bd4b0c9d5ddcc84bc463b4contentStr:[ "鏈夋椂鍊欎氦閫氱鐞嗚€呭绠$悊鑼冨洿鐨勪氦閫氱幆澧冩湁鐫€澶氱涓嶅悓鐨勬帶鍒剁瓥鐣ワ紝浣嗘槸鏃犳硶寰楃煡鍝绛栫暐鏇撮€傚悎褰撳墠鐨勭幆澧冿紝濡傛灉鐩存帴瀹炴柦锛屾湁鍙兘杈句笉鍒扮悊鎯崇殑鏁堟灉锛屼笖璐规椂璐瑰姏锛岃繖绉嶆儏鍐电敤浜ら€氫豢鐪熸潵瑙e喅銆傚湪浜ら€氫豢鐪熻蒋浠朵腑妯℃嫙绠$悊鎺у埗绛栫暐锛岃緭鍏ョ浉鍏冲弬鏁帮紝杩愯浠跨湡锛屾煡鐪嬩笉鍚屾帶鍒剁瓥鐣ヤ笅鐨勮瘎浠锋寚鏁帮紝骞堕拡瀵逛豢鐪熻繃绋嬩腑閬囧埌鐨勯棶棰樿繘琛屽強鏃惰皟鏁达紝寰楀嚭鏈€浼樻帶鍒剁瓥鐣ワ紝鍐嶅悜姘戜紬瀹炴柦锛屽彇寰楄壇濂芥晥鏋滃悗鍙互鎻愰珮姘戜紬瀵逛氦閫氱鐞嗚€呯殑璁ゅ彲搴︺€?, "Sometimes traffic managers have many different control strategies for the traffic environment within their management scope, but they cannot know which strategy is more suitable for the current environment. If implemented directly, it may not achieve ideal results, and it takes time and effort. This situation is solved by traffic simulation. Simulate the management control strategy in the traffic simulation software, input relevant parameters, run the simulation, check the evaluation index under different control strategies, and timely adjust the problems encountered in the simulation process to obtain the optimal control strategy, and then implement it to the public. After achieving good results, it can improve the public's recognition of traffic managers."], id0fa6ee2bb5ef4dcb843e20fb2ab38909content:[ "


", "

        In the traffic organization optimization scheme, some measures such as traffic ban, traffic restriction, microcirculation, signal optimization, guidance, etc. need to be verified for rationality, and problems that may be encountered in the implementation of the scheme need to be avoided. This can be achieved through traffic simulation. We can verify the rationality of the traffic organization optimization scheme in the simulation, find problems in the implementation process in time and make adjustments to reduce congestion or delay caused by improper implementation, Ensure the rationality of the organization plan.

", ], id0fa6ee2bb5ef4dcb843e20fb2ab38909contentStr:[ "浜ら€氱粍缁囦紭鍖栨柟妗堜腑鐨勪竴浜涚琛屻€侀檺琛屻€佸井寰幆銆佷俊鍙蜂紭鍖栥€佽瀵肩瓑鎺柦闇€瑕侀獙璇佸悎鐞嗘€э紝涓旈渶瑕侀伩鍏嶆柟妗堝疄鏂借繃绋嬩腑鍙兘浼氶亣鍒扮殑闂锛岃繖灏卞彲浠ラ€氳繃浜ら€氫豢鐪熸潵瀹炵幇锛屾垜浠彲浠ュ湪浠跨湡涓獙璇佷氦閫氱粍缁囦紭鍖栨柟妗堢殑鍚堢悊鎬э紝鍙婃椂鍙戠幇瀹炴柦杩囩▼涓殑闂骞惰繘琛岃皟鏁达紝鍑忓皯鍥犲疄鏂戒笉褰撹€屽紩璧风殑鎷ュ牭鎴栧欢璇紝淇濊瘉缁勭粐鏂规鐨勫悎鐞嗘€с€?, "In the traffic organization optimization scheme, some measures such as traffic ban, traffic restriction, microcirculation, signal optimization, guidance, etc. need to be verified for rationality, and problems that may be encountered in the implementation of the scheme need to be avoided. This can be achieved through traffic simulation. We can verify the rationality of the traffic organization optimization scheme in the simulation, find problems in the implementation process in time and make adjustments to reduce congestion or delay caused by improper implementation, Ensure the rationality of the organization plan.", ], id2072c5de75d141e0b9ba0584cad1bc45content:[ "






", "

According to the urban population and land use scale, land use status, social and economic development level and other factors, the development trend of passenger and freight transport, the composition of traffic modes, and the traffic volume of roads are analyzed and estimated qualitatively and quantitatively.

1. Collect and investigate the data of social economy and traffic status, and predict the development trend of social economy by analyzing and establishing models;

2. Analyze the correlation between social economy and traffic development, and determine the overall traffic demand of the future region based on the prediction of the future economic development level, that is, the traffic occurrence, total concentration, flow and flow direction characteristics of each traffic district;

3. Forecast the traffic distribution of each region;

4. Establish the traffic network in the study area, and allocate the regional distributed traffic volume to specific routes, so as to obtain the future characteristic traffic volume of related roads.

" ], id2072c5de75d141e0b9ba0584cad1bc45contentStr1:[ "鏍规嵁鍩庡競鐨勪汉鍙e拰鐢ㄥ湴瑙勬ā銆佸湡鍦颁娇鐢ㄧ姸鍐靛拰绀句細銆佺粡娴庡彂灞曟按骞崇瓑鍥犵礌锛屽瀹€佽揣杩愯緭鐨勫彂灞曡秼鍔裤€佷氦閫氭柟寮忕殑鏋勬垚銆侀亾璺殑浜ら€氶噺绛夎繘琛屽畾鎬у拰瀹氶噺鐨勫垎鏋愪及绠椼€?, "According to the urban population and land use scale, land use status, social and economic development level and other factors, the development trend of passenger and freight transport, the composition of traffic modes, and the traffic volume of roads are analyzed and estimated qualitatively and quantitatively."], id2072c5de75d141e0b9ba0584cad1bc45contentStr2:[ "1銆佹敹闆嗚皟鏌ョぞ浼氱粡娴庡強浜ら€氱幇鐘惰祫鏂欙紝閫氳繃鍒嗘瀽寤虹珛妯″瀷锛岄娴嬬ぞ浼氱粡娴庣殑鍙戝睍瓒嬪娍锛?, "1. Collect and investigate the data of social economy and traffic status, and predict the development trend of social economy by analyzing and establishing models;"], id2072c5de75d141e0b9ba0584cad1bc45contentStr3:[ "2銆佸垎鏋愮ぞ浼氱粡娴庝笌浜ら€氬彂灞曠殑鐩稿叧鑱旂郴锛屽湪棰勬祴鏈潵缁忔祹鍙戝睍姘村钩鐨勫熀纭€涓婏紝纭畾鏈潵鍖哄煙鎬讳綋浜ら€氶渶姹傦紝鍗冲悇涓氦閫氬皬鍖虹殑浜ら€氬彂鐢熴€侀泦涓€婚噺鍜屾祦閲忓強娴佸悜鐗圭偣锛?, "2. Analyze the correlation between social economy and traffic development, and determine the overall traffic demand of the future region based on the prediction of the future economic development level, that is, the traffic occurrence, total concentration, flow and flow direction characteristics of each traffic district;"], id2072c5de75d141e0b9ba0584cad1bc45contentStr4:[ "3銆侀娴嬪悇涓尯鍩熺殑浜ら€氬垎甯冩儏鍐碉紱", "3. Forecast the traffic distribution of each region;"], id2072c5de75d141e0b9ba0584cad1bc45contentStr5:[ "4銆佸缓绔嬬爺绌跺尯鍩熶氦閫氳矾缃戯紝灏嗗尯鍩熺殑鍒嗗竷浜ら€氶噺鍒嗛厤鍒板叿浣撹矾绾夸笂锛屼粠鑰屽緱鍒扮浉鍏抽亾璺殑鏈潵鐗瑰緛浜ら€氶噺銆?, "4. Establish the traffic network in the study area, and allocate the regional distributed traffic volume to specific routes, so as to obtain the future characteristic traffic volume of related roads."], id989c9c1ebf774dcd98369d6e230c09c3content:[ "


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        The current traffic flow direction, future predicted traffic demand, travel characteristics, traffic operation evaluation and other data obtained from traffic simulation are used as the basis of upper level planning to formulate a more reasonable and accurate planning scheme.

", ], id989c9c1ebf774dcd98369d6e230c09c3contentStr:[ "灏嗕氦閫氫豢鐪熻幏寰楃殑鐜扮姸浜ら€氭祦閲忔祦鍚戙€佹湭鏉ラ娴嬩氦閫氶渶姹傘€佸嚭琛岀壒寰併€佷氦閫氳繍琛岃瘎浠风瓑鏁版嵁锛屼綔涓轰笂灞傝鍒掔殑鍩虹锛屽埗瀹氭洿鍚堢悊銆佹洿鍑嗙‘鐨勮鍒掓柟妗堛€?, "The current traffic flow direction, future predicted traffic demand, travel characteristics, traffic operation evaluation and other data obtained from traffic simulation are used as the basis of upper level planning to formulate a more reasonable and accurate planning scheme.", ], id7fa4230fd3b94e21abaa113a1f63568acontent:[ "

        鏍规嵁鍖哄煙鍐呬氦閫氬嚭琛岀壒寰併€佺鐞嗘斂绛栥€佽矾缃戣鍒掋€佸彂灞曡秼鍔裤€佹満鍔ㄨ溅澧為暱瑙勬ā锛屽悓鏃剁粨鍚堜簰鑱旂綉澶ф暟鎹紝浠ヤ氦閫氫紭鍖栨ā鍨嬩负鍩虹锛屽埗瀹氶€傚悎鍖哄煙浜ら€氳繍琛岀殑鎺у埗绛栫暐锛屾棬鍦ㄦ彁楂橀亾璺€氳鑳藉姏锛屽噺灏戝欢璇紝鍧囪 鏃剁┖璧勬簮锛屼粠鑰屾彁楂樺尯鍩熶氦閫氳矾缃戠殑鏈嶅姟姘村钩銆侟/span>

", "

        According to the regional traffic travel characteristics, management policies, road network planning, development trends, and the growth scale of motor vehicles, combined with the Internet big data, and based on the traffic optimization model, a control strategy suitable for regional traffic operation is formulated, aiming to improve the road capacity, reduce delays, balance space-time resources, and thus improve the service level of the regional traffic network.

", ], id7fa4230fd3b94e21abaa113a1f63568acontentStr:[ "鏍规嵁鍖哄煙鍐呬氦閫氬嚭琛岀壒寰併€佺鐞嗘斂绛栥€佽矾缃戣鍒掋€佸彂灞曡秼鍔裤€佹満鍔ㄨ溅澧為暱瑙勬ā锛屽悓鏃剁粨鍚堜簰鑱旂綉澶ф暟鎹紝浠ヤ氦閫氫紭鍖栨ā鍨嬩负鍩虹锛屽埗瀹氶€傚悎鍖哄煙浜ら€氳繍琛岀殑鎺у埗绛栫暐锛屾棬鍦ㄦ彁楂橀亾璺€氳鑳藉姏锛屽噺灏戝欢璇紝鍧囪 鏃剁┖璧勬簮锛屼粠鑰屾彁楂樺尯鍩熶氦閫氳矾缃戠殑鏈嶅姟姘村钩銆?, "According to the regional traffic travel characteristics, management policies, road network planning, development trends, and the growth scale of motor vehicles, combined with the Internet big data, and based on the traffic optimization model, a control strategy suitable for regional traffic operation is formulated, aiming to improve the road capacity, reduce delays, balance space-time resources, and thus improve the service level of the regional traffic network.", ], id6d27ba7b85664c9eb157976e5d1c833ccontent:[ "




", "

        For the purpose of regional coordination control, formulate regional linkage control strategy;

        In combination with road grade, main road flow direction, tidal characteristics and other parameters, determine key intersections, public cycle and phase difference, and formulate coordinated control of main green wave;

        Based on the intersection flow detection data, the peak, flat peak and night time periods are divided; Based on the principles of safety, efficiency, balance and continuous traffic, optimize the phase sequence of intersections, and consider the safety of pedestrians crossing the street; Based on the traffic timing optimization model, the intersection cycle, green signal ratio, and green light interval are optimized to maximize the use of intersection space-time resources.

", ], id6d27ba7b85664c9eb157976e5d1c833ccontentStr1:["浠ュ尯鍩熷崗璋冩帶鍒朵负鐩殑锛屽埗瀹氬尯鍩熻仈鍔ㄦ帶鍒剁瓥鐣ワ紱","For the purpose of regional coordination control, formulate regional linkage control strategy;"], id6d27ba7b85664c9eb157976e5d1c833ccontentStr2:["缁撳悎閬撹矾绛夌骇銆佸共閬撴祦閲忔祦鍚戙€佹疆姹愮壒鎬х瓑鍙傛暟锛岀‘瀹氬叧閿矾鍙c€佸叕鍏卞懆鏈熷強鐩镐綅宸紝鍒跺畾骞茬嚎缁挎尝鍗忚皟鎺у埗锛?,"In combination with road grade, main road flow direction, tidal characteristics and other parameters, determine key intersections, public cycle and phase difference, and formulate coordinated control of main green wave;"], id6d27ba7b85664c9eb157976e5d1c833ccontentStr3:["浠ヤ氦鍙夊彛娴侀噺妫€娴嬫暟鎹负鍩虹锛屽垝鍒嗛珮宄般€佸钩宄般€佸闂存椂娈碉紱鍩轰簬瀹夊叏銆佹晥鐜囥€佸潎琛°€佽繛缁鍘熷垯锛屼紭鍖栦氦鍙夊彛鐩镐綅鐩稿簭锛屽悓鏃惰€冭檻琛屼汉杩囪瀹夊叏闂锛涘熀浜庝氦閫氶厤鏃朵紭鍖栨ā鍨嬶紝浼樺寲璺彛鍛ㄦ湡銆佺豢淇℃瘮銆佺豢鐏棿闅旀椂闂达紝鏈€澶у寲鍒╃敤浜ゅ弶鍙f椂绌鸿祫婧愩€?,"Based on the intersection flow detection data, the peak, flat peak and night time periods are divided; Based on the principles of safety, efficiency, balance and continuous traffic, optimize the phase sequence of intersections, and consider the safety of pedestrians crossing the street; Based on the traffic timing optimization model, the intersection cycle, green signal ratio, and green light interval are optimized to maximize the use of intersection space-time resources."], id27a7ecf3275649f1be5b92547be87d7dcontent:[ "


", "

        According to the work results, optimization records, work order processing, traffic organization plan, daily duty, intersection accounts and other contents during the operation and maintenance period, quarterly operation and maintenance reports are provided every quarter, annual operation and maintenance reports are provided every year, and regular reports are reported to Party A. In the communication with Party A, services are constantly improved, efficiency is improved, and Party A's satisfaction is increased.

", ], id27a7ecf3275649f1be5b92547be87d7dcontentStr:[ "鏍规嵁杩愮淮鏈熼棿鐨勫伐浣滄垚鏋溿€佷紭鍖栬褰曘€佸伐鍗曞鐞嗐€佷氦閫氱粍缁囨柟妗堛€佹棩甯稿€煎畧銆佽矾鍙e彴璐︾瓑鍐呭锛屾瘡瀛e害鎻愪緵瀛e害杩愮淮鎶ュ憡锛屾瘡骞存彁渚涘勾搴﹁繍缁存姤鍛婏紝瀹氭湡鍚戠敳鏂规眹鎶ワ紝鍦ㄤ笌鐢叉柟鐨勬矡閫氫氦娴佷腑涓嶆柇瀹屽杽鏈嶅姟锛屾彁楂樻晥鐜囷紝澧炲姞鐢叉柟鐨勬弧鎰忓害銆?, "According to the work results, optimization records, work order processing, traffic organization plan, daily duty, intersection accounts and other contents during the operation and maintenance period, quarterly operation and maintenance reports are provided every quarter, annual operation and maintenance reports are provided every year, and regular reports are reported to Party A. In the communication with Party A, services are constantly improved, efficiency is improved, and Party A's satisfaction is increased.", ], id71dea9932f094f0581a055570f03ab6fcontent:[ "






", "

Check whether the setting of annunciator lamps meets the specification;

Check whether the setting of signs and markings meets the specifications;

Check whether the induction facilities meet the specifications;

Check whether the channelization of the intersection meets the specifications;

Check whether the signal timing, phase sequence, green signal ratio, green light interval and pedestrian crossing settings meet the specifications.

", ], id71dea9932f094f0581a055570f03ab6fcontentStr1:["鎺掓煡淇″彿鏈虹伅鍏疯缃槸鍚︾鍚堣鑼冿紱","Check whether the setting of annunciator lamps meets the specification;"], id71dea9932f094f0581a055570f03ab6fcontentStr2:["鎺掓煡鏍囧織銆佹爣绾胯缃槸鍚︾鍚堣鑼冿紱","Check whether the setting of signs and markings meets the specifications;"], id71dea9932f094f0581a055570f03ab6fcontentStr3:["鎺掓煡璇卞璁炬柦鏄惁绗﹀悎瑙勮寖锛?,"Check whether the induction facilities meet the specifications;"], id71dea9932f094f0581a055570f03ab6fcontentStr4:["鎺掓煡浜ゅ弶鍙f笭鍖栨槸鍚︾鍚堣鑼冿紱","Check whether the channelization of the intersection meets the specifications;"], id71dea9932f094f0581a055570f03ab6fcontentStr5:["鎺掓煡淇″彿閰嶆椂銆佺浉浣嶇浉搴忋€佺豢淇℃瘮銆佺豢鐏棿闅旀椂闂淬€佽浜鸿繃琛楄缃槸鍚︾鍚堣鑼冦€?,"Check whether the signal timing, phase sequence, green signal ratio, green light interval and pedestrian crossing settings meet the specifications."], idaed06d790c6048459629c8d8fe0055d5content:[ "


", "

        During the holding period of large-scale activities and within a reasonable period of extension, the traffic organization optimization scheme shall be designed based on the principles of necessity, reasonableness, feasibility and effectiveness according to the requirements of the event organizer or support unit,It includes six specific plans, including personnel arrangement, traffic bypass plan, traffic control area and measures, traffic control time, guidance plan and emergency plan, to ensure traffic order and safety during large-scale activities.

", ], idaed06d790c6048459629c8d8fe0055d5contentStr1:["鍦ㄥぇ鍨嬫椿鍔ㄤ妇鍔炴湡闂翠互鍙婂墠鍚庡欢灞曠殑鍚堢悊鏈熼檺鍐咃紝鏍规嵁娲诲姩涓惧姙鍗曚綅鎴栬€呬繚闅滃崟浣嶆彁鍑虹殑瑕佹眰锛屽熀浜庡繀瑕併€佸悎鐞嗐€佸彲琛屻€佹湁鏁堝師鍒欙紝璁捐浜ら€氱粍缁囦紭鍖栨柟妗堬紝","During the holding period of large-scale activities and within a reasonable period of extension, the traffic organization optimization scheme shall be designed based on the principles of necessity, reasonableness, feasibility and effectiveness according to the requirements of the event organizer or support unit,"], idaed06d790c6048459629c8d8fe0055d5contentStr2:["鍖呮嫭浜哄憳瀹夋帓銆佽溅娴佺粫琛屾柟妗堛€佷氦閫氱鎺у尯鍩熷強鎺柦銆佷氦閫氱鎺ф椂闂淬€佽瀵兼柟妗堛€佸簲鎬ラ妗堝叚鏂归潰鐨勫叿浣撴柟妗堬紝淇濋殰澶у瀷娲诲姩鏈熼棿鐨勪氦閫氱З搴忓拰瀹夊叏銆?,"It includes six specific plans, including personnel arrangement, traffic bypass plan, traffic control area and measures, traffic control time, guidance plan and emergency plan, to ensure traffic order and safety during large-scale activities."], id4caa1848c8ff4cee84da9b72ff5a4dc4content:[ "


", "

        According to the level, time and place of special service tasks, formulate the corresponding special service route plan for the signal system in advance, arrange the on duty traffic optimization engineer to implement the plan in the command center, communicate with the police at the intersection in time, and cooperate to complete the special service route support task.

", ], id4caa1848c8ff4cee84da9b72ff5a4dc4contentStr:["鏍规嵁鐗瑰嫟浠诲姟鐨勭骇鍒強鏃堕棿鍦扮偣浠诲姟锛屾彁鍓嶅埗瀹氱浉搴旂殑淇″彿绯荤粺鐗瑰嫟璺嚎棰勬锛屽苟瀹夋帓鍊煎畧浜ら€氫紭鍖栧伐绋嬪笀鍦ㄦ寚鎸ヤ腑蹇冩墽琛岄妗堬紝鍙婃椂涓庤矾鍙f皯璀︽矡閫氳仈绯伙紝閰嶅悎瀹屾垚鐗瑰嫟璺嚎淇濋殰浠诲姟銆?,"According to the level, time and place of special service tasks, formulate the corresponding special service route plan for the signal system in advance, arrange the on duty traffic optimization engineer to implement the plan in the command center, communicate with the police at the intersection in time, and cooperate to complete the special service route support task."], idc135695bb72c4a59abc3d5952be59841content:[ "


", "

        The traffic engineer on duty shall inspect the operation of the intersection in real time every day, focus on ensuring the traffic order at the key intersection, record the location, time, flow and surrounding conditions of the congestion at the point where the congestion occurs, and analyze the reasons for the congestion; At the same time, modify the release scheme of surrounding intersections, reduce the incoming traffic at relevant upstream intersections, avoid the aggravation of congestion, improve the release time in the direction of congestion at this intersection, and reduce the queue length, so as to achieve the effect of relieving traffic congestion.

", ], idc135695bb72c4a59abc3d5952be59841contentStr:["鍊煎畧鐨勪氦閫氬伐绋嬪笀姣忓ぉ瀹炴椂宸℃璺彛杩愯鎯呭喌锛岄噸鐐逛繚闅滃叧閿矾鍙g殑閫氳绉╁簭锛屽浜庡彂鐢熸嫢鍫电殑鐐癸紝璁板綍鍙戠敓鎷ュ牭鐨勫湴鐐广€佹椂闂淬€佹祦閲忓強鍛ㄨ竟鎯呭喌绛夛紝鍒嗘瀽鎷ュ牭鍘熷洜锛涘悓鏃讹紝淇敼鍛ㄨ竟璺彛鐨勬斁琛屾柟妗堬紝鍑忓皯涓婃父鐩稿叧璺彛鐨勬潵杞︼紝閬垮厤鎷ュ牭鍔犲墽锛屽啀鎻愰珮鏈矾鍙f嫢鍫垫柟鍚戠殑鏀捐鏃堕棿锛屽噺灏戞帓闃熼暱搴︼紝浠庤€岃揪鍒扮枏瀵间氦閫氭嫢鍫电殑鏁堟灉銆?,"The traffic engineer on duty shall inspect the operation of the intersection in real time every day, focus on ensuring the traffic order at the key intersection, record the location, time, flow and surrounding conditions of the congestion at the point where the congestion occurs, and analyze the reasons for the congestion; At the same time, modify the release scheme of surrounding intersections, reduce the incoming traffic at relevant upstream intersections, avoid the aggravation of congestion, improve the release time in the direction of congestion at this intersection, and reduce the queue length, so as to achieve the effect of relieving traffic congestion."], id48518a93fc1948688289c968024a7f2econtent:[ "


", "

        If any traffic accident is found during daily inspection, relevant squadrons or police will be notified to deal with it through radio, WeChat, mobile phone and other contact methods. Accidents that do not affect the traffic will be observed. For accidents that cause congestion, the timing scheme of surrounding intersections will be adjusted to alleviate the congestion.

", ], id48518a93fc1948688289c968024a7f2econtentStr:["鏃ュ父宸℃杩囩▼涓嫢鍙戠幇鏈変氦閫氫簨鏁咃紝浼氶€氳繃鐢靛彴銆佸井淇°€佹墜鏈虹瓑鑱旂郴鏂瑰紡閫氱煡鐩稿叧涓槦鎴栨皯璀﹀墠鍘诲鐞嗭紝瀵逛笉褰卞搷浜ら€氱殑浜嬫晠淇濇寔瑙傚療锛屽浜庨€犳垚鎷ュ牭鐨勪簨鏁咃紝璋冩暣鍛ㄨ竟璺彛閰嶆椂鏂规锛岀紦瑙f嫢鍫点€?,"If any traffic accident is found during daily inspection, relevant squadrons or police will be notified to deal with it through radio, WeChat, mobile phone and other contact methods. Accidents that do not affect the traffic will be observed. For accidents that cause congestion, the timing scheme of surrounding intersections will be adjusted to alleviate the congestion."], idebe97e8f621249ea8a4d6a381bc87dd5content:[ "


", "

        During daily duty, the operation of electronic police system, signal control system, flow detection system, bayonet system, integrated platform and other systems will be checked in real time, and the system in fault will be reported for repair in time, and maintenance personnel will be notified to repair it to ensure the normal operation of the system.

", ], idebe97e8f621249ea8a4d6a381bc87dd5contentStr:["鏃ュ父鍊煎畧鏈熼棿浼氬疄鏃舵鏌ョ數瀛愯瀵熺郴缁熴€佷俊鍙锋帶鍒剁郴缁熴€佹祦閲忔娴嬬郴缁熴€佸崱鍙g郴缁熴€侀泦鎴愬钩鍙扮瓑绯荤粺鐨勮繍琛屾儏鍐碉紝瀵逛簬鍙戠敓鏁呴殰鐨勭郴缁熷強鏃舵姤淇紝骞堕€氱煡缁存姢浜哄憳淇锛屼繚闅滅郴缁熺殑姝e父杩愯銆?,"During daily duty, the operation of electronic police system, signal control system, flow detection system, bayonet system, integrated platform and other systems will be checked in real time, and the system in fault will be reported for repair in time, and maintenance personnel will be notified to repair it to ensure the normal operation of the system."], id9bfcd1f520704017bb9ada0c6e8790c8content:[ "


", "

        The intelligent inspection platform and manual inspection are used to regularly inspect the software and field equipment related to the central platform, so as to timely find the offline, offline, damaged, abnormal and other situations, analyze the causes, and sort out the records.

", ], id9bfcd1f520704017bb9ada0c6e8790c8contentStr:["鍒╃敤鏅鸿兘宸℃骞冲彴鍜屼汉宸ユ鏌ュ畾鏈熷涓績骞冲彴鐩稿叧杞欢鍜屽鍦鸿澶囪繘琛屽贰妫€锛屽強鏃跺彂鐜版帀绾裤€佽劚鏈恒€佹崯鍧忋€佸紓甯哥瓑鎯呭喌锛屽垎鏋愬師鍥狅紝鏁寸悊璁板綍銆?,"The intelligent inspection platform and manual inspection are used to regularly inspect the software and field equipment related to the central platform, so as to timely find the offline, offline, damaged, abnormal and other situations, analyze the causes, and sort out the records."], idc9683a5236994c5bab2a2fbd1857ff6dcontent:[ "


", "

        According to the equipment damage, abnormality, offline and other conditions obtained from the patrol inspection, report to the management office and notify the maintenance party to repair as soon as possible.

", ], idc9683a5236994c5bab2a2fbd1857ff6dcontentStr:["鏍规嵁宸℃寰楀埌鐨勮澶囨崯鍧忋€佸紓甯搞€佽劚鏈虹瓑鎯呭喌锛屼笂鎶ョ鐞嗗锛岄€氱煡缁存姢鏂瑰敖蹇慨澶嶃€?,"According to the equipment damage, abnormality, offline and other conditions obtained from the patrol inspection, report to the management office and notify the maintenance party to repair as soon as possible."], idbfcda668da754d428c3802cb12973438content:[ "


", "

        For the work orders submitted for maintenance, the repair progress shall be tracked in real time. For the work orders completed, the maintenance cycle shall be recorded. For the work orders not completed, the reason shall be inquired, the progress shall be urged, and the report shall be timely reported to Party A.

", ], idbfcda668da754d428c3802cb12973438contentStr:["瀵逛簬涓婃姤缁存姢鐨勫伐鍗曪紝瀹炴椂璺熻釜缁翠慨杩涘害锛屽浜庣淮鎶ゅ畬鎴愮殑宸ュ崟璁板綍涓嬬淮鎶ゅ懆鏈燂紝瀵逛簬鏈畬鎴愮殑宸ュ崟锛岃闂師鍥狅紝鍌績杩涘害锛屽強鏃跺悜鐢叉柟姹囨姤銆?,"For the work orders submitted for maintenance, the repair progress shall be tracked in real time. For the work orders completed, the maintenance cycle shall be recorded. For the work orders not completed, the reason shall be inquired, the progress shall be urged, and the report shall be timely reported to Party A."], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43content:[ "









", "

1) Review whether the design drawings and instructions are complete, clear and in conflict;

2) Review whether the design drawings meet the requirements of relevant national planning and technical specifications;

3) Check whether the plane position and longitudinal gradient of the line meet the design specifications, and whether the design position of the structure is reasonable;

4) Review whether the main geometric dimensions, coordinates, elevations, descriptions, etc. are consistent, and whether there are errors and omissions;

5) Review whether the design data meet the site topographic and geological conditions, and whether the construction method required by the design is feasible;

6) Review whether the number, specification, model and quantity of components and fittings on the drawings are consistent with the contract bill of quantities;

7) Review whether various materials, accessories, components, etc. selected in the design can meet the needs of design planning;

8) Any reasonable suggestions and other issues on the design technical data. 

", ], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43contentStr1:["1锛夊鏍歌璁″浘绾稿強璇存槑涔︽槸鍚﹀畬鏁淬€佹槑纭€佹湁鏃犲啿绐侊紱","1) Review whether the design drawings and instructions are complete, clear and in conflict;"], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43contentStr2:["2锛夊鏍歌璁″浘绾告槸鍚︾鍚堝浗瀹舵湁鍏宠鍒掑強鎶€鏈鑼冪殑瑕佹眰锛?,"2) Review whether the design drawings meet the requirements of relevant national planning and technical specifications;"], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43contentStr3:["3锛夊鏍哥嚎璺钩闈綅缃拰绾靛悜鍧″害鏄惁绗﹀悎璁捐瑙勮寖锛屾瀯閫犵墿璁捐浣嶇疆鏄惁鍚堢悊锛?,"3) Check whether the plane position and longitudinal gradient of the line meet the design specifications, and whether the design position of the structure is reasonable;"], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43contentStr4:["4锛夊鏍镐富瑕佸嚑浣曞昂瀵搞€佸潗鏍囥€佹爣楂樸€佽鏄庣瓑鏄惁涓€鑷达紝鏈夋棤閿欒鍜岄仐婕忥紱","4) Review whether the main geometric dimensions, coordinates, elevations, descriptions, etc. are consistent, and whether there are errors and omissions;"], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43contentStr5:["5) Review whether the design data meet the site topographic and geological conditions, and whether the construction method required by the design is feasible;","5) Review whether the design data meet the site topographic and geological conditions, and whether the construction method required by the design is feasible;"], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43contentStr6:["6锛夊鏍稿浘绾镐笂鏋勯厤浠剁殑缂栧彿銆佽鏍笺€佸瀷鍙枫€佹暟閲忎笌鍚堝悓宸ョ▼鏁伴噺娓呭崟鏄惁涓€鑷达紱","6) Review whether the number, specification, model and quantity of components and fittings on the drawings are consistent with the contract bill of quantities;"], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43contentStr7:["7锛夊鏍歌璁′腑鎵€閫夌敤鐨勫悇绉嶆潗鏂欍€侀厤浠躲€佹瀯浠剁瓑鑳藉惁婊¤冻璁捐瑙勫垝鐨勯渶瑕侊紱","7) Review whether various materials, accessories, components, etc. selected in the design can meet the needs of design planning;"], id288b707113dc4c218bf7223c88769c43contentStr8:["8锛夊璁捐鎶€鏈祫鏂欐湁浠€涔堝悎鐞嗗寲寤鸿鍙婂叾浠栭棶棰樸€?,"8) Any reasonable suggestions and other issues on the design technical data."], id3763ef495b4d4b719e9e90be98cebfe4content:[ "




", "

In theory, urban traffic congestion is caused by traffic demand exceeding traffic supply. In the process of urban development, due to the benefits of urban agglomeration, population and material production activities gather in large numbers in the city. With the rapid development of travel motorization, urban land development with high intensity will inevitably lead to the continuous growth of urban traffic demand, especially the demand for roads. However, the growth of urban transport supply capacity is characterized by leaps and stages. Once the transportation facilities are completed, they will be difficult to change in a short time. Moreover, the completion of traffic facilities will often form new traffic sources. Therefore, traffic congestion is easy to occur.

The optimization of road traffic organization is to scientifically and reasonably allocate road space-time resources in the limited road space, so that road traffic is always in an orderly and efficient operation state.

The Company undertakes various traffic organization designs, mainly including optimization of traffic organization during construction, optimization of traffic organization during large-scale activities, optimization of regional microcirculation, optimization of traffic organization in business districts, optimization of traffic organization around schools, optimization of traffic organization around islands, optimization of traffic organization in railway stations, bus stations and surrounding areas, etc.

", ], id3763ef495b4d4b719e9e90be98cebfe4contentStr1:["In theory, urban traffic congestion is caused by traffic demand exceeding traffic supply. In the process of urban development, due to the benefits of urban agglomeration, population and material production activities gather in large numbers in the city. With the rapid development of travel motorization, urban land development with high intensity will inevitably lead to the continuous growth of urban traffic demand, especially the demand for roads. However, the growth of urban transport supply capacity is characterized by leaps and stages. Once the transportation facilities are completed, they will be difficult to change in a short time. Moreover, the completion of traffic facilities will often form new traffic sources. Therefore, traffic congestion is easy to occur.","In theory, urban traffic congestion is caused by traffic demand exceeding traffic supply. In the process of urban development, due to the benefits of urban agglomeration, population and material production activities gather in large numbers in the city. With the rapid development of travel motorization, urban land development with high intensity will inevitably lead to the continuous growth of urban traffic demand, especially the demand for roads. However, the growth of urban transport supply capacity is characterized by leaps and stages. Once the transportation facilities are completed, they will be difficult to change in a short time. Moreover, the completion of traffic facilities will often form new traffic sources. Therefore, traffic congestion is easy to occur."], id3763ef495b4d4b719e9e90be98cebfe4contentStr2:["閬撹矾浜ら€氱粍缁囦紭鍖栨槸鍦ㄦ湁闄愮殑閬撹矾绌洪棿涓婏紝绉戝鍚堢悊鍦板垎閰嶉亾璺椂绌鸿祫婧愶紝浣块亾璺氦閫氬缁堝浜庢湁搴忋€侀珮鏁堣繍琛岀姸鎬併€?,"The optimization of road traffic organization is to scientifically and reasonably allocate road space-time resources in the limited road space, so that road traffic is always in an orderly and efficient operation state."], id3763ef495b4d4b719e9e90be98cebfe4contentStr3:["鏈叕鍙告壙鎺ュ悇绫讳氦閫氱粍缁囪璁★紝涓昏鍖呮嫭鏂藉伐鏈熼棿浜ら€氱粍缁囦紭鍖栥€佸ぇ鍨嬫椿鍔ㄦ湡闂翠氦閫氱粍缁囦紭鍖栥€佸尯鍩熷井寰幆銆佸晢鍦堜氦閫氱粍缁囦紭鍖栥€佸鏍″懆杈逛氦閫氱粍缁囦紭鍖栥€佺幆宀涗氦閫氱粍缁囦紭鍖栥€佺伀杞︾珯銆佹苯杞︾珯鍙婂懆杈逛氦閫氱粍缁囦紭鍖栫瓑銆?,"The Company undertakes various traffic organization designs, mainly including optimization of traffic organization during construction, optimization of traffic organization during large-scale activities, optimization of regional microcirculation, optimization of traffic organization in business districts, optimization of traffic organization around schools, optimization of traffic organization around islands, optimization of traffic organization in railway stations, bus stations and surrounding areas, etc."], id757e4f358d0d4952b025080841e5816bcontent:[ "


", "

        The necessity, possibility and feasibility of project investment, when to invest, how to implement and other major issues shall be scientifically demonstrated and compared with multiple plans,Determine the organization, construction site, construction tasks and principles, construction funds, investment quantity, construction period and quality requirements of the project implementation, provide professional consulting services to Party A, and assist in decision-making.

", ], id757e4f358d0d4952b025080841e5816bcontentStr1:["瀵瑰伐绋嬮」鐩姇璧勭殑蹇呰鎬с€佸彲鑳芥€с€佸彲琛屾€э紝浣曟椂鎶曡祫銆佸浣曞疄鏂界瓑閲嶅ぇ闂锛岃繘琛岀瀛﹁璇佸拰澶氭柟妗堟瘮杈冿紝","The necessity, possibility and feasibility of project investment, when to invest, how to implement and other major issues shall be scientifically demonstrated and compared with multiple plans,"], id757e4f358d0d4952b025080841e5816bcontentStr2:["纭畾椤圭洰瀹炴柦鐨勭粍缁囥€佸缓璁惧湴鐐广€佸缓璁句换鍔″拰鍘熷垯銆佸缓璁捐祫閲戙€佺‘瀹氭姇璧勬暟閲忋€佸伐鏈熴€佽川閲忚姹傦紝缁欑敳鏂规彁渚涗笓涓氬挩璇㈡湇鍔★紝杈呭姪鍐崇瓥銆?,"Determine the organization, construction site, construction tasks and principles, construction funds, investment quantity, construction period and quality requirements of the project implementation, provide professional consulting services to Party A, and assist in decision-making."], id32e82a4b5c0f44a897dea79e1f0fa640content:[ "


", "

        According to the needs of Party A and the problems found in the daily use process, the principle of combining the internal design with the external design is adopted to design the system that can best meet the daily use from the comprehensive consideration of the system functions, interfaces, inputs, outputs, environment, procedures and other aspects. The content of system design includes determining system functions, design guidelines and methods, generating ideal systems and making drafts, revising drafts by collecting information to generate alternative design schemes, decomposing the system into several subsystems, conducting detailed design and evaluation of subsystems and the overall system, demonstrating the system scheme and making performance effect prediction.

", ], id32e82a4b5c0f44a897dea79e1f0fa640contentStr:[ "鏍规嵁鐢叉柟闇€姹傚強鏃ュ父浣跨敤杩囩▼涓彂鐜扮殑闂锛岄噰鐢ㄥ唴閮ㄨ璁′笌澶栭儴璁捐鐩哥粨鍚堢殑鍘熷垯锛屼粠绯荤粺鐨勫姛鑳姐€佺晫闈€佽緭鍏ャ€佽緭鍑恒€佺幆澧冦€佺▼搴忕瓑鍚勬柟闈㈢患鍚堣€冭檻锛岃璁″嚭鏈€鑳芥弧瓒虫棩甯镐娇鐢ㄧ殑绯荤粺銆傜郴缁熻璁″唴瀹癸紝鍖呮嫭纭畾绯荤粺鍔熻兘銆佽璁℃柟閽堝拰鏂规硶锛屼骇鐢熺悊鎯崇郴缁熷苟浣滃嚭鑽夋锛岄€氳繃鏀堕泦淇℃伅瀵硅崏妗堜綔鍑轰慨姝d骇鐢熷彲閫夎璁℃柟妗堬紝灏嗙郴缁熷垎瑙d负鑻ュ共瀛愮郴缁燂紝杩涜瀛愮郴缁熷拰鎬荤郴缁熺殑璇︾粏璁捐骞惰繘琛岃瘎浠凤紝瀵圭郴缁熸柟妗堣繘琛岃璇佸苟浣滃嚭鎬ц兘鏁堟灉棰勬祴銆?, "According to the needs of Party A and the problems found in the daily use process, the principle of combining the internal design with the external design is adopted to design the system that can best meet the daily use from the comprehensive consideration of the system functions, interfaces, inputs, outputs, environment, procedures and other aspects. The content of system design includes determining system functions, design guidelines and methods, generating ideal systems and making drafts, revising drafts by collecting information to generate alternative design schemes, decomposing the system into several subsystems, conducting detailed design and evaluation of subsystems and the overall system, demonstrating the system scheme and making performance effect prediction.", ], id60:["浜у搧涓績","product center"], id61:["鏄庢槦浜у搧","Star products"], id62:["涓婁竴椤?,"prePage"], id63:["涓嬩竴椤?,"nextPage"], id64:["浜у搧鍏ュ彛 Products","Products"], id65:["瑙e喅鏂规 Solutions","Solutions"], id66:["鑱旂郴鎴戜滑 Contact US","Contact US"], id67:["涓浗 . 姹熻嫃鐪佽嫃宸炲伐涓氬洯鍖哄嚖閲岃345鍙?搴?,"Fengli Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, China"], } window.changeLocale = function(localeType){ // var selectDom = document.getElementById("locale"); // var localeType = selectDom.value; console.log(localeType); window.localStorage.setItem("locale",localeType=="1"?"en":"zh"); var doms = $("*[locale-id^='id']"); for(var i=0;i-1){ _this.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () { if (_this.readyState === 4) { var r = a.handler(_this); Object.defineProperty(_this, "responseText", { writable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(_this, "response", { writable: true, }); _this.response = _this.responseText = r; } }); } }); originOpen.apply(this, arguments); };